I found a great deal on an old pool table and accessories the other day. Only thing is I've got to replace a cracked cue ball.
That'll probably be a problem. The list of things that need replaced around here is long and the old cue ball is way down toward the bottom. Plus, cue balls are easy to find but they're hard to get rid of.
Is that too obtuse?
There are flat earthers out there who believe the world is a pool table and they are the cue ball. Life is a grand game of cut throat, where the divine hand takes aim and smacks the cue ball into the many colored balls, knocking them into the pockets. Nobody wins until the colored balls are in the holes and only the white ball is left on the table.
The cue ball.
This world view, if you can call it that, seems to be on the rise lately. I don't think this is a very robust view of life, the universe, and everything but a cue ball is the only explanation of white supremacy I can come up with. There sure isn't any logic to it.
There also isn't any logic to an 18 year old buying a weapon and enough ammunition and body armor to walk into a store without fear and killing 10 people in the name of the grand replacement theory.
It only makes sense if you think like a cue ball whose entire reason to exist is to knock the other balls off the table. They'll even tell you it's god's will.Unfortunately, a cue ball doesn't understand there is no difference between it and the other balls except paint. If the cue ball were black or yellow and the eight ball or one ball were white, the game would be the same. And none of the balls do a thing without outside manipulation.
Joe Biden actually got something right when he said white supremacy is a national sickness. But if Joe says it does anybody hear? Republicans said what does Joe know as they credited him for causing world inflation. There are a lot of cueballists among those ranks. They're the ones who made it easy for that 18 year old to become a killing machine.
These days a lot of outside forces are riling up the cue balls among us. Cable talking heads and Russian social media trolls have convinced many that another conspiracy is afoot. The grand replacement is bigger than Pizzagate, stolen elections and microchip vaccines all rolled into one.
The irony of this grand theory being perpetrated by the manipulators, race baiters and white supremacists is that they were the ones who decided to replace the native American people on this continent in the first place. It was them who decided to re-place the Africans from their homeland to here.
I guess when you've spent your whole existence trying to justify the horrors your forebears brought upon the world, you live in fear of the world returning them to you.
Sitting around waiting for the next hit is all you know when you're a cueball.