Pride and Prune Juice

There are times you're proud to be human.  There are other times you aren't. Sometimes moments apart.

Our southern neighbors are experiencing what many here experienced on July  28, 2022, on a wider scale.  A 1000 year flood washed away lives, homes, businesses and roads in a matter of minutes.  The cleanup and recovery from our disaster has a way to go.  A drive down Elkhorn Creek from Jenkins to Elkhorn City will show you that.

But before flood waters started receding in North Carolina and Tennessee, local groups were organizing supplies and direct assistance to the people who needed help most. Individuals directly affected by the flooding two years ago were leading the charge, setting up donation drop-off centers and acquiring trailers to haul gas, water and chainsaws into the southern disaster zone. The response has been incredible.

I'm a homer. Like most of you, I'm proud to be an eastern Kentucky hillbilly.  I'm inspired by the selfless response from so many here who know the terrible hard road ahead for eastern Tennessee and western Carolina but dive in to help anyway.

Deep down, I know the desire to help your neighbor isn't just our thing. It's not just hillbillies coming to the rescue. The response to the Helene related flooding was equally impressive among whitewater related groups and individuals from all over the country.

The same folk who pull together the Russell Fork Rendezvous managed to raise cash and get multiple trailers of supplies to Asheville within 3 days of the flood. I know a dozen other examples. Most who'd normally be on the Russell Fork last weekend were helping dig out if not digging out themselves.

People helping people. That's what it's called.  That's what makes you proud to be human.

On the other hand.

Imagine you spread lies designed to slow and complicate recovery and rescue efforts in the face of one of the worst natural disasters in your nation's history.  Lies perpetuated in tandem with a regime that has hundreds if not thousands of nuclear warheads pointed directly at your country. Lies that are so bizarre and easily refutable that your closest allies on the ground are begging you to just shut the hell up.

Putin's Puppy is a human and John Prine reminds us some humans ain't human. This is not people helping people. It's Donald helping Donald.  What it always is. What it will always be.

I can handle that. Humans have defects, every single one.  But thankfully, most of us aren't completely defect driven.  The ones that are usually can't be trusted with the keys.

The pride fades when you realize how many choose to believe the lies over all evidence. How many are okay with his Trump Bibles printed in China.  How many don't care that he's the only major presidential candidate in history to try to overturn an election or if he's chummy with Putin.

That many's real reason for voting Trump is just because Harris is not a white man.  Pride falls.

It's one of those trip around the sun weekends for me. I'll be riding on Route 66. Nothing to be proud of, but a lot to be thankful for!