Forgiven or For Giving?

I've never trusted anyone sporting one of those "forgiven" bumper stickers.  They think they've got a free pass.

You know what I mean.  That sticker is on a car that's nearly run you off the road twice.  What does it matter?  They can cause all the chaos they want, their ticket into glory is punched.  They are living for the Lord!

You better believe most of the Cadillacs in the state capitol parking garage wear the sticker.  You might find it crocheted into a banner mounted on a capital office wall or two.  I'm willing to bet some of those outlaws even have "forgiven" tramp stamped above their holier than thou butts.

I've always believed religion is like whiskey.  A little bit every now and then won't hurt you. But too much will make you drunk enough to lose touch with reality.

The most dangerous thing in the world is a person who claims to be doing god's will. Gods will brought down the World Trade Center.  Gods will enslaved black and brown human beings.  Gods will exterminated native Americans by the millions.

"God's will" is never God's will.  It is man's will and any claim otherwise is a lie.

Which brings us back to Frankfort.  We have a room full of people who wear their religion like Nascar drivers wear logos.  I probably just gave one of them a great idea. Don't be surprised to see a Southland Christian Church patch on a jacket sleeve soon.  But I digress.

If you questioned how forgiven these people were they'd shoot you. Then they'd use the stand your ground law to get off.  Then they'd thought and prayer your survivors who were unfortunate enough to have been burdened by your blasphemous memory.

Any of you remember the What Would Jesus Do bracelets? It's too bad the WWJD fad isn't still in full fad mode, then maybe the legislature would have done something...anything...benefitting Kentuckians of all stripes.  But none of them wear those bracelets anymore. Jesus doesn't have the weight he once carried. If Trump and Fox aren't talking about it, well...losers.

One of the few guys in Frankfort still wearing that bracelet, the governor, tried to stand in the way of a totalitarian fundamentalist takeover.  But his vetoes meant to protect Kentuckians were over-ridden in the kind of righteous celebration reserved for the forgiven and the delusional.

Frankly neither are what you want running your government. But here we are.

I imagine a conversation in a most unearthly plane far from any of the many elephants in the room.


"Yes, Dad."

"I told you we'd regret that whosoever believeth part."

"It's not my fault King James' scribes couldn't read Aramaic."

"You're right son, it's all my fault. I created this mess."

It's okay, it's okay.  I'm just using my imagination and sharing it with you before the clerics reassemble in Frankfort and outlaw that, too.  I don't really think there was a heavenly conversation that sounded like that.

Everybody knows they don't speak English in heaven.