Don't Jinx It

I hate to jinx things around here but I've just got to say it.  Spring has sprung.

Nothing says end of winter in the hills quite like two weeks of snow and ice followed by flooded hollers and landslides followed by warming skies and a period of drying out.

In case you missed it, we're in the drying out phase.  Many of you have already noticed the snow drop, crocus, and iris already blooming in your yards.  If you gaze up on the hillsides, you'll notice an orange tint around the treetops as the first buds pop on the branches.

There's no doubt these signs tell us spring is upon us, contrary to the fake news of groundhog day.  I had serious questions about that, if you remember.  It turns out I was right.  What a groundhog sees in Podunk Pennsylvania is a far cry from what it might see in Pikeville. They can have their six extra weeks of winter, we'll be happy to escape with three and change.

After a handful of non-winter like winters, we were reminded this year of how awful winter can be.  I've said it before, but you have to really love the hills of eastern Kentucky to winter here.  The cold settles in the mountains and no matter what the temperature reads, the skin says it's ten degrees less.

The bare trees and hibernating vegetation leave the mountainsides without cover, without adornment.  What we see are the scars and crags of decades of mining and natural exploitation.  The mountains without cover can be like the hairless cat, an object of curiosity and wonder simultaneously hideous and alluring.

The same person who thought a hairless cat was a good idea probably brought us bare, topless mountains.  Just a reminder that certain things should never go uncovered.

But let's not dwell on the negative.  If we were going to do that we'd be talking about the current renovation going on in Frankfort.  And by renovation we mean the complete Republicanization of state government.  What does that mean?

It's too soon to tell, but it looks like the Party of Trump wants to eliminate anything in the state that doesn't benefit the party.  At this very minute, legislative Republicans are working to close open records laws.

Working to force governors to appoint Republicans.  Working to take away non-Republicans voting rights.

If they could get by with it, which has never stopped them before, they'd probably attempt to outlaw any party or church that wasn't idolizing Donald Trump.

I tried to ask one of them about that, but they all went to CPAC to worship the golden Trump.  Which prompted another question.

With all those preachers amongst them, you'd think some would be worried by the old story of Moses and the golden calf.  Never fear they said.  The Bible says steer clear of the golden calf, but doesn't say a word about a golden pig.

Hard to beat that logic.  But today the sun is shining and spring is upon us, so why even try?