Reality Nots Convention

How many of you watched the new reality show on TV this week?  I'm here to remind you, like most reality tv, there's nothing remotely real about the Republican National Convention.

But what else can you expect from a show scripted to glorify a reality tv washout? It's going to be heavy on fantasy and light on truth exactly like the conman who convinced a full third of our country he really was a successful businessman.  Do you need to be reminded he was so bad at playing one on TV he was fired?

That's really fired, not pretend fired like what he did to geniuses like Tom Arnold and Dennis Rodman on TV.

If you tuned in to find out what the Republican party platform is in 2020, you might be disappointed.  The party actually announced there would be no platform.  This year, and at least until the election in November, the platform is all Trump all the time. Whatever Putin's Puppy wants, Putin's Puppy gets.

What better way to underscore that direction by presenting a lineup of speakers whose last name is Trump. If they weren't named Trump, their middle initial was Q. If that sounds like a conspiracy to you, probably aren't a trained conspiracy theorist like most of his cabinet.

None of this is much of a surprise to me. I've long believed the Republican party peddled in smoke and mirrors and have been way better at it than the other party. Republican ideas generally sound good if everything existed in a vaccuum, but immediately disintegrate when faced with the the cold reality of things like air and people.

Is our country in an economic and public health crisis?  Who cares says the Republican puppet master from Kentucky, his cronies need a vacation from doing nothing for the American people.  There's not a chance of a snowball in a blast furnace he'll get voted out in November so he does exactly what his billionaire business partners expect from him.

Some people who should know better still believe money trickles down, that industries regulate themselves, that Obama's going to take their guns and that cigarettes are healthy.  Some even believe TV preachers are more interested in your soul than your bank account.

There are many among us who think a cop is certainly justified in killing you if you act wrong or if your skin is darker than mauve. There are self-proclaimed Christians who believe Nazis are "fine people" and slavery was a better time. The Bible says so, they say.

And speaking of reality stars, we learned this week the guy playing a Godly man just like his daddy has set a new standard for traditional marriage.  If you want to be pro-family, you better add a pool boy to the one husband and one wife equation.

Not even the trustees of a pretend Christian university, that teaches lots of things Jesus didn't say and none of what he did say, could swallow that.  One wonders if the Falwell fanatics could put their guy in the penalty box, when will the Trumpets stop blowing the horn for their chosen savior.

Based on what we saw on the Reality Not Convention, I'm going with the twelfth of never.