The Cult

It's another week of hanging out on the porch with Tater.  We know where we are, but do you?

In last weeks' review of this country's healthcare system, or lack thereof, we recognized the death cult that wants to keep it that way.  Some of you recognized the death cult is really nothing more than a political party.

One of the things the death cult loves to point to justifying its actions is the U.S. constitution.  They call their favorite judges "originalists" because they supposedly adhere to the text and only the texts of the document.  That in itself should make folks nervous since the original document was used to justify slavery under states rights.

When was the last time your favorite Republican judge sided with workers or consumers over corporations and billionaires?  Slavery is in their DNA.

While you're researching that one, here's a much easier one.  How many times are political parties mentioned in the constitution?

That's right, the answer is none.  The same as the number of times corporations are mentioned.  But somehow, those death cult judges determined corporations get the same rights as people.  While nobody has been able to find the text that determined that, those originalists swear it's there.

And that's the way the death cult works.  You may not be able to find any evidence of anything they claim is true, but that's okay.  Trust them.

I know I have trust issues, and some of you may, too.  You should.  A few other things the death cult has suggested you believe are:  cigarettes are good for you; brown skinned people crossing the southern border are dangerous, but light skinned ones crossing the northern border aren't; Trump didn't win the popular vote in 2016 because so many illegal aliens voted; and never believe a scientist but never doubt Rush Limbaugh.

But that's only a sample.  It's more important to recognize that the Death Cult denies anything that can be proven by facts.  That's because they operate according to the narrative they've created to justify their actions.  Those actions are to do everything in their power to take everything from you and give it to someone whose cupboard is overflowing.

So while some of you are still waiting for that trickle, death cult governors are going out of their way to consolidate power.  The governor of Georgia is a prime example of the best the death cult has to offer.  He won office by removing thousands of registered voters off the rolls so they couldn't vote, claimed voter fraud when the vote was still close, and now justifies reopening businesses in his state by publishing verifyably fake statistics.

The best thing we can report is Kentucky's governor is not a member of that tribe. We kicked the death cult governor out the door last November, which was a good start.  There are many more members of that group left to get rid of.

Because the only way this country survives is by recognizing the death cult and putting it into quarantine...permanently.