Texts from the West

Last week I pulled up to the house as Meat & Tater were coming out of theirs carrying suitcases.  "Heading to California SJ, see ya in a couple weeks."

They told me a story about house sitting as a favor to one of Tater's friends. Meat likes the sound of an adventure and when didn't a trip to California sound like an adventure? Never I'd say.

They were flying out of Lexington for Los Angeles. As he threw the suitcases in the back of his pickup, Meat said he'd text me if there was anything worth telling.

Tater waved and smiled as they pulled away.  I started getting texts from Meat about 3 hours later.

"Since when can't you carry toenail clippers on a plane?"

It'd take the whole paper to keep up with all the texts that followed, but a few random are worth sharing with the world.

"LAX covers an area roughly the size of Dorton to Elkhorn to Rockhouse. Except nobody wants to fly to Elkhorn. The shuttle to the car rental was longer than riding the fan bus to Pikeville."

"Driving in LA is easy.  Go fifty feet. Stop.  Go fifty feet. Stop.  Go fifty feet...stop. Eventually you'll stop where you're going."

"The 'so what if I did it you can't do nothing about it' defense is on full display in DC. The little vein on the side of John Roberts' forehead is dancing!"

"I've been kidnapped by Malibu Barbie. We're in her estate high on the hillside overlooking the ocean. I'm being forced to drink bloody mary's, eat shrimp kabobs and soak in a hot tub.  I can see China from here. Legally.  Whatever you do, do not send help."

Then he went quiet.  The sad news of Kobe Bryant's death hit a couple of days later.  I got another text that evening.

"We're within ten miles of where Kobe's chopper went down. Hills steep as home and higher than the Pine ridge. It was too foggy out there this morning."

He didn't dwell on it too long.  At least not in texts. The random shout outs continued.

"Why does everybody worry about how liberal it is out here?  I can throw a rock at both the Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan Presidential Libraries right now. That's something to worry about."

"Malibu Barbie has a spell on me. Everything I eat here sure tastes good. I'm getting a surfboard."

"Remember when the only singer in the Bolton family was Michael?  Looks like John might be soloing soon. See ya for the encore!­­"

In closing, my heart goes out to the ACT family.  Artists Collaborative Theater has graced my home town and region with quality and dedication in everything they produce. It has lifted our young people up and given rare opportunities to amazing homegrown talent. ACT has been the real jewel in Elkhorn City since the day the blue building opened its doors.

I know it will rise from the ashes.  If you have it in your heart, and maybe your wallet, your help would sure be appreciated.