What do you say when new year's day brings joy to Kentuckians everwhere? (Three-two-one) Snell yeah!
What else would you say?
2019 started right for big blue nation in a sport that brought far more tears than celebrations over the years. And that start has Meat and I feeling pretty positive about the coming months.
After watching the game, we were downright giddy. Tater...not so much. Probably because we lapped her on beer intake.
"Just because your team won a meaningless football game doesn't mean it's going to be a good year all of a sudden. Turn off the TV and look what's going on in the world!"
It's not Tater's fault, she's from Vermont. They don't even play football there. If it were a hockey game, she might get it. She definitely would have more beer.
I tried to explain.
"Tater, we won a bowl game on New Year's Day. First time ever. We won ten games, only third time ever. Believe me, it's going to be a good year."
At the moment, that sounds like pretty bullet proof reasoning to me. Granted, it's not as logical as most of my arguments but logic isn't trending these days. I've just got a feeling and it's not a hangover.
Today Kentuckians are more unitied by a charismatic young running back and his team than any politician has touched in generations. And that's a wonderful thing. If Benny Snell today said vote Spongebob in November you better believe we'd be inaugurating Governor Squarepants this time next year.
It'd be a major improvement, I might add.
Today is the day the Democrats take control of the House of Representatives in DC and at this very moment I'm positive someone is mad that they haven't already restarted the government, impeached the entire executive branch, and passed universal healthcare.
However, I'm going to be patient and give them some time. Probably none of those things will happen in the next couple of weeks and I for one am just happy we won't see any more Paul Ryan modeling photos and Benghazi hearings.
I have a feeling there will be some kind of hearings, though.
I'll note that the only people who are actually better off after eight years of a GOP controlled congress are the few who paid them. More monopolies paying lower taxes and following fewer regulations does not make things better for you or me.
The Democrats are ready to try to change that and do things for all people. They've got a plan and they're not afraid to maybe tell you what it's going to be. You can tell because Pelosi is breaking out the hashtags.
Nothing inspires the Twit-verse like a hashtag. #WeThePeople makes you want to just grab your tri-corner hat, now doesn't it!
It's probably hard to believe a hard-head like myself could be inspired to optimism by football games and hashtags. But it's true. Optimism is the natural state of humans even though most of us won't admit it.
In 2019 I'll admit to optimism in spite of myself. I hope you find some reasons to get up in the morning, too. Happy New Year!