Wonder whatever happened to all those WWJD bracelets? I guess now it's WWDD.
What Donald would do is lock up children in cages because their parents are trying to do exactly what Donald's grandfather did 130 years ago, not to mention your ancestors at some point.
Come to America for a better chance.
What Donald would do is turn his back on human rights and Democracy, principles we fought, and won, two world wars over. He's traded the shining beacon on the hill for a burning cross on the town square.
What Donald would do is enrich himself brazenly in office while breaking down every protection the People have against crooks just like him. Rights are to be bought or inherited, otherwise you're out of luck buddy.
What Donald would do is lie to the People at least once every hour he's awake. Often he lies about telling the lie so you'll forget the lie before.
What Donald would do is tell you negative press against him is fake news and that the press is America's greatest enemy, except of course the Faux News which created him. I guess that makes me one of those greatest enemies, too.
What Donald would do is invite a ruthless dictator from a regime the United States has never lowered itself to recognize to get together for the cameras and walk away with no deal whatsoever.
Oh, and he'd do it right after breaking deals with our actual democratic allies.
What Donald would do is admire how that same dictator's many subjects stand at attention when he speaks and believe his many subjects should do likewise.
What Donald would do is make himself ruler if he could just do something about that Mueller guy. And that pesky constitution.
Good thing our dear Senator Yertle gifted him that Supreme Court justice. McConnell would like to be rid of that document, too.
That's for the WWMD bracelet. Those didn't really catch on.
What I'm sure of, based on all those years Saint Loretta had me in Sunday School, is that the original bracelet guy would not do any of those things. That WWJD guy would never rip families apart.
He wouldn't be putting children in cages. He wouldn't call refugees cretins. Based on what I read in that dusty book on the shelf, he'd say welcome those refugees with open arms.
But his parents were refugees, so that doesn't count, right?
I'm not a religious man, but I'd say what Jesus would do is way better than what we're doing now.
The Trump is sort of right about want thing. Our country is infested. But the infestation isn't streaming across our borders. It's been with us for generations, sometimes in the shadows, sometimes in plain view.
The infestation we should be most concerned today is the one in the White House. It'll be hard to wipe out but it can be contained.
If we can clear out some of the infestation in the Capital this November, we'll have a better chance.
Jesus would just do an exorcism in the Oval Office. Maybe those bracelets could make a comeback.