Pardon My French

It's time for Jeopardy.  I beg your pardon?  What is a question that's never passed the Donald's lips?

That's correct sir. The Donald doesn't need your pardon, he's got his own.

The Fraud in the Oval Office has no time for your silly laws.  Bring them on, he can pardon himself for whatever.  His lawyer Rudy Lugosi says so. You can catch him on every minute of Faux News.

He'll say, "the president can pardon himself anytime he wants" between sips of some poor intern's blood.  The Faux news animaniac will nod enthusiastically.

Ideally the Cheetoh will do it when he's under deposition for one of the sexual harrassment suits still hanging over his head.  You know he will, he will not be able to help himself.

I'll take potent potables for $200,  Alex. Keep 'em coming.

It's funny hearing some of my progressive friends trying to point out to the Trumpets what a dictator looks like.  Like that's a bad thing somehow.

My friends don't seem to get that Trumpets want a president who IS above the law.  They want a strong armed dictator.  They don't want a legislature, they don't want a court system. They don't want a government that works at all.

Trumpets don't care that the Russians helped get their man elected.  They like Russia.  Heck, they'd take the Russian in a heartbeat if they could.  Putin looks way better without a shirt than Trump and a Trumpet is the kind of person who wants their dictator shirtless on a horse.  Both white.

The Trumpet believes what the Trump tells him to believe and nothing else. The only thing real is what the reality TV star says is real.

So I wish my confused friends would stop scratching their heads and get over it. You aren't going to make them get it.  They already got it.

Just be glad you don't.

Get this.  The Supreme Court justice who wrote the decision making same sex marriage legal wrote the decision in favor of the baker who didn't want to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. How?

Justice Anthony Kennedy might say it's just a complex world we live in. The decision had less to do with freedom of religion than it had to do with irregularities and biases in the process.

But the message of the high court seems to be we may not allow religious beliefs to stop same sex couples from marrying, but we won't force believers to bake their cake, either.

I personally wouldn't buy a wedding cake from a baker who'd refuse that order, but I'm hesitant about trying to force someone to go against their personal beliefs. No matter how much I don't believe them.

That's what some just don't get.  The republic was formed on a myriad of ideas in a multicultural society.  The structure was framed because we weren't all of the same mind, because there were and would continue to be an assortment of flavors in the stew.

Our greatness is in the ingredients of the great melting pot.   It's not in a king or an ideology that only thrives in a lab.

No pardon needed. Or requested.