I hope all y'all have your umbrellas out this week. Looks like we're about to have a trickle downpour!
That's right, the family values party is about to rain the effect of corporate and ultra-wealthy tax cuts upon you. And if the value of your family isn't at least 8 digits, you're going to need a really big umbrella.
It's an odd thing all those Repugnants screaming about deficits 2 years ago are signing on to a tax plan that will add over a trillion dollars to the deficit in 10 years. I guess they figure it's easier to trickle on the less fortunate when the deficit is bigger.
The big Cheetoh's tax plan will cut every federal tax he, his family, and his company owes to the people of this country. The middle class of this country will see their taxes increased in just a few years. We'll see the cost of everything else go up.
It's already happening at the state level. How many of you saw an increase in your property taxes? I did and I'm betting most of you homeowners did too. Why did that happen?
Because the Republican governor with the blessing of the House and Senate lowered minerals tax assessments in every coal producing county, individual landowners in those counties have to pay more to make up the lost revenue.
Don't be mad. Our hedge fund governor makes a lot of money lowering big corporate taxes. He's just doing what the fraud in Washington is doing: pocketing as much cash as possible until you suckers wake up.
It's the American way. MAGA baby!
Back in Washington, our own Senator Yertle is calling for a vote on the new tax bill on Friday. He's downright giddy at the opportunity to trickle all over the American population. He and the Donald believe in the trickle down because their thousand dollar shoes never get soggy.
McConnell says forget adding to the deficit, this plan pays for itself. Just like he's claimed about every Republican tax plan since Saint Ronnie was in office. Just because not one ever has doesn't mean this could be the magical time it does.
Hillary Clinton could come take your shotgun tomorrow, too.
Once again, it might be down to the only Republican in Washington with an ounce of dignity to save the real people of the country from their own bad voting habits. Senator McCain has doubts, as do most rational people, about the bill.
And he doesn't mind showering the Oval Office fraud in those doubts.
There may be some reading this that think big corporations need more tax breaks and less regulation. Well there's good news for you. The FCC is on track to erase net neutrality regulations.
That means you get to pay more for internet service, certain internet content, and the majority of internet content might just become unavailable. But you think corporations should make more money with less regulation. I bet you're already sending AEP a 20% surcharge on all your bills, aren't you?
If you voted for a Republican, this is what you vote for. One day you might figure out what trickle down economics really means is they get the benefits while the costs trickle down to you and me.
Just like they planned.