Honest Don Meet Governor Granite

I have to give credit where credit is due.  The Fraud-in-Chief had a moment of honesty on Monday.

It came when asked why not much had passed through Congress, even though his party dominated all branches of government. In a moment as candid as the reality TV refugee can muster, he stated, "I'm not going to blame myself, to be honest."

Usually whatever the Donald says before or after "to be honest" is anything but.  Not this time.

There's no doubt that he is not going to blame himself.  Not for anything. That's a responsibility thing and he and the party he represents will have none of it.  Responsibility is for suckers.

Winners take credit. Take is a synonym for steal, by the way.

The great Cheetoh had his moment of clarity in the presence of the amphibian most responsible for his rise to power, Senator Yertle of Kentucky.  It's hard to feel sorry for a swamp creature so we won't. He's probably not feeling like taking the credit he's due.

But I bet he felt like Dr. Frankenstein watching his creation burn the castle to the ground.  The only question remaining is how many peasants burn, too.

Unfortunately, the moment of truth passed quickly and the Donald was back to his usual script of unscripted whoppers.  He took credit for coining the term "fake news", he accused former presidents of ignoring the families of dead soldiers , and threatened cancer stricken Senator John McCain proclaiming "it won't be pretty."

He might be right on that last thing, a monkey throwing his poo is rarely pretty.

They say cream rises to the top.  But that only happens in dairies.  Scum rises to the top in sewers.

That was reinforced when the nominee for Drug Czar, Rep. Tom Marino,  withdrew when it was noticed he sponsored legislation that kept the DEA from investigating why drug companies might sell millions of Oxycontins to a handful of West Virginia pill mills.

Trump might not have realized  Drug Czar was a nickname for Director of the DEA.  If he did, he would have gone with someone in keeping with his appointments for other cabinet positions and nominated Pablo Escobar.

The dark horse for DEA Director appeared over the weekend.  Our own Governor Granite outed himself as supremely qualified for Drug Czar when he referred to the increase in marijuana overdoses in Colorado since legalization.

Bevin couldn't have positioned himself any more perfectly for the job when he stated there was no way weed would be legal here as long as he was governor.  If that doesn't sound like a drug czar, I don't know what does.

The statement showed rare insight from the hedge fund millionaire because there's no way he gets re-elected in 2019, even if he's running against a Democrat.

It'll take at least two years for the legislature to agree how to pocket pot revenues, so he'll never see a bill in his term.

His kind of tough talk is just the blather Trump wants from his cabinet.  Bevin has had his sights on D.C. from the beginning, maybe he'll get an early start.