The man with the spray on tan spoke to the world this week. In a few words, he united the nations like no American president had ever done.
He united them against us.
Hating on the United Nations has been a conservative staple since the radical Harry Truman made it official in 1946. Oddly, a year before the United Nations was more commonly known as the "Allies" who were busy kicking the butt of the Axis powers.
Conservatives have long been convinced one day U.N. troops would come take our guns. It's been part of their rhetoric since Barry Goldwater lost all but 6 states to Lyndon Johnson. It's about as rational a belief as the Tooth Fairy bringing quarters for teeth.
But that doesn't stop them from lapping it up like kittens to milk.
So when Herr Drumpf addressed the U.N. General Assembly, he had an axe to grind. Rich conservatives like him have been re-embracing those old Axis values like fascism, totalitarianism, and insanity.
The U.N. stands against at least two of those vices every day. But not the blowhard in chief. He had something to say and he was duty bound to say it.
Insanity is the value most valued by today's conservative, which is why they have embraced a reality tv sociopath. It's why they think Fox News is real but science isn't. It's why they think cutting taxes on rich people will balance the budget.
It's why they praised the Lord when their orange savior promised to destroy an entire country like he was promising his daughter a puppy.
Which is the way he makes all his promises. Like a souless father making promises to quiet a spoiled brat. Promises that he never intends to keep.
The problem with all this is most of the world outside the United States has not adopted insanity as an admirable character trait. They institutionalize their crazy, we build theme parks dedicated to it. They've always known we were like this but didn't mind as long as we kept it out of the White House.
But then we elected our delusional, drunk uncle.
Now the conscious denial of reality within a large sector of our voting public has put someone less prepared to deal with day to day reality than a 5 year old in charge of the largest arsenal on the planet. When this particular 5 year old says he's going to destroy an entire country, a lot of leaders around the world who aren't insane start speaking to one another in earnest.
They're wondering what the delusional, drunk Uncle in America will do when the delusional, drunk nephew in Korea shoots another high tech bottle rocket over Japan.
What happens when the delusional uncle paints the delusional nephew into a corner he has to blow himself out of? How many cousins will he take with him?
The United Nations got a fresh look at the new reality this week and most of those nations, like most of the American people, don't like it.
They still aren't coming for your guns.