Everyone surprised that Trump's proposed tax overhaul benefits some guy named Donald Trump the most please raise your hands.
Now go ahead and empty your pockets because somebody's got to pay for welfare for the wealthy programs. Those poor little rich kids need help!
The Donald's been feeling full of himself since he fired a bunch of missiles at Syria that crippled an airfield for 5 minutes. His followers who were scared to death Hillary was going to get us into the Syrian quagmire are breathing easy.
The good news is he warned his Russian benefactors so they could relocate their consumable jet fuel and make sure no nerve gas was accidentally harmed. Don't want to bite the hand that feeds him, you know.
With all that newfound wealth his tax cuts will bring, the Fraudster is looking seriously for new golf course sites. It's only a coincidence that he wants to take a few national monuments off the register.
Golf courses are the engine of economic prosperity. Just ask a guy with his name on a few. And if you want to ask him, he's playing right now on one you can't afford.
So I guess you're out of luck.
Speaking of bridges, did you see the one the county built on Elkhorn Creek? I wasn't speaking of bridges? Well neither is the county. They built a dam where a bridge ought to go.
Someone forgot to tell the engineer that streams are affected by rain. Three days of rain generally leads to a lot more water in the stream. That water rams against that dam of a bridge and soon the dam is gone and several hundred feet of property behind and around it washed away.
There were culverts in it. But anyone who's seen a creek rise knows more flows downstream than water. Culverts clog.
Don't worry. They've redoubled their efforts with a wider and longer dam with another hole. Let's hope it doesn't rain anymore this spring or Shelby Gap will be under water.
Speaking of under water, there's a rally in Pikeville Saturday by a gang who haven't been getting enough oxygen to their brains. People who honestly believe in racial superiority are drowning in something.
This bunch calls itself the Traditionalist Worker Party which is pretty ironic, considering the workers in the tradition they advocate were slaves. Maybe that gets lost on them. Maybe it's intentional.
But this is America. These oxygen deprived have every right to stand up and let everyone else know how idiotic they are. It's their right.
It's your right to attend the counter demonstration at UPike. That's where you can listen to speeches and hold a sign that illustrates your views. If there are 3-4-5 times more of you than there are of them, you win.
But you must remember one thing. The minute one of your friends decides to show the idiots in the Traditionalist Worker Party who's boss through violence, you lose.
Peacefull protest sends a message. Violent protest only makes enemies. Some of my progressive friends need to work a little harder on making friends than being hell bent on making more enemies.