
I've been after my nose all day.  It keeps running and I keep chasing.  Kleenex won't slow it down.

I'm pretty sure this is the kind of thing Sudafed was made for.  That's what I was thinking when I called Meat anyway.

"You got any Sudafed?"

"Man you can't even get that anymore."

"Are you sure?"

"Since the crank cookers found it, they think everybody walking up to the counter looking for it has a lab in the pickup.  You gotta ask for it, sign a piece of paper, get your picture taken, and you can only have 4 pills at a time."

"So you're saying you can get it."

He said "no" and hung up.  Pretty sure he's holding out on me.  Meat's allergic to everything from grass to air. He's got sinus issues.

Unlike Meat, I am allergy free.  My over-active nose, watery eyes, burning sore throat and periodic sneezing aren't the result of a late season cold, either. The symptoms I'm exhibiting are the result of one thing and one thing, only.


Unlike affluenza, a disease rich people made up to cover for their worthless children, Affluenza-P is a very real disease that arises every time those same worthless rich children get too much power in DC and the state capitals.

The P stands for People, a particular group of Americans the party of the affluent particularly despise and would like to purge from our Constitution.

So, if you're wondering why the sniffles and sneezes have overtaken your body lately, look past the changing season or the high pollen counts.  Those aren't driving your headaches and fever.

It's the rich kids selling your web data to the highest bidder.  It's the rich kids taking money from your kids school so their buddies can build an amusement park.  It's the rich kids cutting their estate taxes so you can pay more on your car.

The rich kids have bought your preacher so it's no longer harder for them to get into heaven than a camel to pass through a needle's eye.  Now they say you can simply buy your way in.

We're 3-4 months into Republican controlled government on the state and national level and look at the bills passed so far.  Has anybody seen one that benefits an actual working person?  How about a retired person?  How about one that benefits a kid that isn't eaten up with Affluenza?

Of course you haven't. This crew of Affluenza riddled charlatans are dead set on taking We the People out of the document. The word corporation is not in there and they want to fix that.

There's no known cure for Affluenza.  As long as there are rich people, there will be the worthless offspring of rich people convinced they've earned their place in life.

There is a cure for Affluenza-P.  It's called voting. But it only works when you vote for candidates without an R after their name.

I'm not saying all Republicans suffer from Affluenza, but they are all carriers of the disease.  It's part of being delusional.