The Downside is Up

Here's a sentence I never thought I'd write.  Beyonce has the #1 single on the country music charts.

Yes, I have listened to the single "Texas Hold-Em".  And yes, I liked the song. I usually like Beyonce` songs.

But I'm not going to put that one in the country rack between Barbara Mandrell and Bobbie Gentry. 

Don't get me wrong.  Beyonce is good, but she's no Allison Russell.  Or Brittney Spencer. Or Rhiannon Giddens. Check them out if you don't know them. I'd be more likely to put them in the racks with Patsy and Loretta and Dolly.

But I digress. I've already gotten way off message.  The whole point of the first paragraph was to point out things have gotten really weird out there.

Is anyone else noticing?

Right now, the party of Eisenhower and Reagan seems to be working in lock step with the Soviet Union. Except it's not the Soviet Union because even George Bush can tell you that sucker died thirty something years ago.

It's the Walking Soviet Union. A zombie animated by a guy whose sole mission is to take down the United States.  You don't need nuclear warheads when you've got Facebook, X-Twitter and a willing carnival barker whose only loyalty is to himself and his gold plated existence.

But nuclear warheads to back them up don't hurt.

One has to wonder how many rubles make up all that dark money rolling into Republican coffers.  Our own Comer (rhymes with Gomer), no stranger to Moscow Mitch's PAC, is heading up an impeachment inquiry whose primary witness made the whole thing up with the help of Russian intelligence.

Are they standing in front of assistance for Ukraine?  They wouldn't be if it wasn't Putin doing the shootin.  But it is and they are.

You see, Putin and the Republican party have one major shared enemy.  That is democracy.  Which would explain why Republicans lead all efforts to take Americans voting rights away and to make it harder for everyone to vote. They are the ones who call previous elections into question.  Elections that were certified and with no evidence of rampant fraud.

They are doing it because the puppetmaster wants uncertainty and doubt within the American public because that is the only way Russia can win.  Who knew the Manchurian candidate would actually be from Queens?

Remember what we said a few weeks ago that the southern border problem could be fixed if congress would do their job?  A bipartisan group of senators working with the White House and the congress came up with a bill that would have gone a long way to address the current situation.

What happened? At the last minute Putin's Puppy ordered his flying monkeys to kill the bill.  Then they impeached the Homeland Security Secretary just because they wanted people to think they were doing something.

The truth is they are doing something.  They're chipping away at free republican democracy to replace it with something totalitarian and very different.  My money's on the Christian Nationalists who are under the mass delusion that they're working for God when in fact they're working for the antiChrist.

The first amendment will be the first thing to go.