Got a Secret?

It's getting mighty hard to keep a secret these days.  Especially when you've got secrets to keep.

The person who had the most secrets to keep lately has just been relieved of about a thousand of them. After eighteen months of denial, bait and switch, obfuscation and plain old obstruction, the DOJ went looking for the secrets that weren't where they were supposed to be.

Welcome to Mar-a-Lago.  A location that is not on any list of secure locations for top secret information but is on the list of many foreign actors who'd love to dip into some of that top secret sauce.

There are so many kinds of secrets you and I don't know about.  Most we don't want to know about.  But some we do.

This is important to know, so pay attention.  The nuclear capabilities of a foreign country are secret.  It's also a secret that we know what their nuclear capabilities are. How we found out what their nuclear capabilities are is the biggest secret of the three.

So if you're hoarding this document for future favors, it's likely you're trying to keep that a secret most of all.  That and all the other documents stamped Top Secret and Need to Know you've had stashed in a closet at your resort hotel for the last eighteen months.

Some documents were so top secret, reviewers could not examine them.  They could only be seen if the President or a cabinet secretary gave permission.

And that's the current president, not the one who was impeached twice, was soundly voted out, who then convinced his legions of a lie and instigated an insurrection.

Isn't it interesting what secrets some people find important and want to protect? National security isn't nearly as hush hush as taking the documentation. Against the law to take the paperwork you say?  Laws are for losers is what he says.

Just in case, though, good to appoint the judges you can appeal for favors to.  Even Bill Barr believes there's no legal basis for appointing a "special master" as his special friend Aileen Cannon granted.  Makes you wonder what documents the Donald has on her.

They might have been in the boxes the FBI seized, stashed between the Top Secret list of Syrian moles and the letter signed by Kim Jong-un.  It'd be too bad if he lost his leverage with his other lost leverage.  She doesn't know that, though.

To be fair, the reason Herr Trump chose to abscond national secrets from the White House could be far less nefarious than selling them to the highest bidder named Putin.  His social media platform is going to need more subscribers before it goes bankrupt. Imagine all the folks a few secrets would lure in.

Or on those nights when Melania is away (most of them), they just might be his "want to come up and see my etchings" lure.  You know he thinks it worked for Slick Willie.

Which is a reminder it's hard to keep a secret. Especially if the secrets aren't yours to begin with.