How Much is a Brazillion?

There's only one thing to do on a day like today.  That's right, go next door.

I walked over this morning with a thermos of coffee.  It was later than I wanted because I had to wait between frog stranglers for fear of washing off between my front porch and theirs.  No, the water wasn't that high on 3rd Street, but it was falling with enough volume to risk flush drowning.

Meat was on his porch yelling in my direction during the downpour.  I couldn't understand a word he was yelling but I had no doubt he was sincere.  When it let up to a sprinkle, I sprinted over his way, each step sending rain water into the air once more.

He was still yelling when I came to a skidding stop on his porch.  "You got your keys? Run me to Double Kwik so I can get my bazillion dollar ticket."

I didn't have my keys.  My car has one of those fobs and I didn't have it either.

"Dang Meat, why didn't you text me.  Now I've got to swim back to my house for my key thingy.  Here, let's have a cup of coffee and think about it."  I moved toward the front door.

Tater met me there.  "O no you don't, no wet dogs in my house.  You sit right there on the porch and I'll join you."

I sat down and Tater sat beside me, offering her mug.  I filled it from my thermos, then poured one for myself.  "Meat's got billionaire dreams this morning SJ. He's going to buy the world, all he needs is a ticket."

"So what are you going to do if you win that billion dollars Meat?  I'm not sure what I'd do, except maybe go further into hiding."

Meat sat down next to Tater.  "The first thing I'm going to do is hire myself a publicist, maybe even Tater, to make sure my name's on that Forbes Billionaire's list. Then I'm going to buy a golf course or three.  Then I'm going to buy a thousand signs that just say "Meat" and hang them all over the state. Then I'm running for governor."

He put his hands behind his head and sat back with a look so smug you'd think he just delivered his inaugural.  Tater burst out laughing. "Here comes Governor Meat SJ, sounds like you've got it all figured out honey!"

Meat closed his eyes, "I do baby, I do."

"You know Meat, we could go in together on one of those tickets and if we win, we'll both run for governor.  It'd probably only take a hundred million to buy the Democratic and Republican nomination. Then no matter which one of us one, we'd be calling the shots."

Tater spoke up.  "Well you do have it figured out.  Elections just like they're made to happen.  All you gotta do now is go get that MegaMillion ticket."

I turned to Tater as I stood up. "I guess you're right.  Need anything while we're out.  You want a ticket?"

Tater smiled. "O SJ, people with money don't buy lottery tickets. I'm fine."