Hearing Aid

Might be early to predict, but I'm betting hearing aid sales are going to surge in the next few months.  Do you hear what I hear?

You know things are going to get interesting when the dark lords at Faux News reverse themselves and decide to run the January 6 hearings after all.  Better for their paid pontificators to pirouette in front of.

It's going to take a lot of pirouetting to spin this one away, though.

There's a con going on but that is nothing new.  The con at Fox has been roiling since  the 90s and the con Fox fell in love with was born in 46. The con born in 46 conned the cons at Fox with birther baloney and the unholy union was consummated.

They both made even more money spinning a universe based on lies.

Who'd have thought the marriage of a "news" channel owned by an Australian Fascist and Saudi Prince with the spoiled brat of a tax evading slumlord would lead to a United States president directing a coup attempting to overturn a legal election?

Besides me, of course.  I did predict Trump would be the first U.S. president impeached for treason many, many columns ago.  Becoming the first ex-president imprisoned for fraud wouldn't be that far off.

Because while Cadet Bonespurs was firing up the Proud Rude Patriot 15 Percenter Whiteness Militia to ransack the capital, he was also sending out millions of email messages and letters encouraging the rest of his supporting dopes to donate to his Official Election Defense Fund.

Both groups heard him loud and clear.  Five dead at the Capital.  Over two hundred and fifty million dollars sent to the Official Election Defense Fund.

The average donation to the Official Election Defense Fund was 17 dollars.  It takes a lot of 17 dollar donations to break two hundred and fifty million. Over 14.7 million according to my calculator.

So nearly fifteen million people fell hard enough for the stolen election scam to donate their hard earned money.  You know if they could have afforded it the average would have been at least twenty.  These were people counting their pennies.

But here's the problem, if none of those other things aren't. There was no Official Election Defense Fund.  There never was.  Almost none of that money was spent litigating challenges to the election.

Some of their pals got a couple wads of cash for speeches, Paul Manafort's company got $5 million for organizing the January 6 rally, another think tank got a couple million to think harder. Nearly $205,000,000 of it ended up in something called the Trump Hotel Collection.

Maybe that's where they're keeping all the evidence.

These hearings are loud and getting louder.  A lot of folk are going to have severe ear, possibly even brain, damage from all the blasts.  The cognitive dissonance could be too much to bear.

We're going to need lots of hearing aids.  What I'm wondering, is there a model with no volume adjustment?