There's not a single person in the world who wants me in charge. That goes double for me.
The only thing I could think of worse than me in charge would be you in charge.
That's the general consensus of most Americans. Nobody wants "you" to be in charge of "me". What give you a right to tell me what to do? Nobody makes decisions for me better than me.
But it is my column, so I'm going to accept the responsibility of being in charge of all y'all for a few hundred words. Here are some things you might expect under my leadership in no particular order.
We're going to have equal access to healthcare for all and no profit driven health insurance or hospital systems. There should never be a profit motive when people's lives are at stake.
Which is also why there'd be no for profit prison systems. No corporation should be paying stock dividends by locking more living humans up. Judges shouldn't be getting kickbacks for jail sentences.
Every American has dominion over their body. If you want tattoos from head to toe, go ahead. If you want an abortion, go ahead. If you want to make money on your body, go ahead. If you want to sell a kidney, go ahead.
Nobody has a right but you to make choices for your body. Not the government, not the church, and not the corporation. It's called independence.
One way to encourage that is to discourage the influence of political parties. That means open primaries, that means parties out of the districting and elections game. That also means term limits for every elected position.
There will be two mandatory qualifications for running for office: citizenship and the ability to pass a civics test.
Lobbyists and lobbying will be curtailed. Corporations and organizations will be out of the political money game. Since only individuals can vote (as of this writing), only individuals should be able to donate funds to a candidate. Elected positions should not be for sale to the highest bidder.
Every law abiding citizen has a right to bear arms, but not all arms. If you have to pass a test to get a license to drive a car, you should have to pass a test to handle certain weapons. Guns dealers should be closely regulated.
Every citizen has a right to free speech. Corporations don't. Any type of organized misleading or false advertising will not be protected. That in itself will defuse the power of political parties and put the 24 hour cable news channels out of business.
Everyone takes civics classes in high school and everyone gives at least a year of public service, either military or other, by the age of 24. No exceptions.
Everyone has a right to worship as they see fit. Nobody has a right to force that on anyone else. Churches that bring in more money than they spend on social work pay taxes. Preachers also pay income tax.
Millionaires do too and at a steeper rate than their secretaries.
Well looky there! Just when I'm on a roll, I'm out of space. Maybe I don't look too bad in charge. Maybe we'll play this game next week.