A horse is a horse, of course, of course. But there are a lot of humans running around these days claiming to be Mr. Ed.
And we all know you don't have to be a bull to spread manure. A few thousand two legged heifers are hawking deworming pills for covid cures this very minute. The anti-vaxxers are taking them up on it.
In some of the more Trumpist states, emergency rooms have seen an uptick of overdewormer dose. They're worm free, but still got the Covid!
It's gotten so bad the Food and Drug Administration had to release a statement reminding assumed humans they weren't horses or cows or any other form of livestock. More importantly, taking a dewormer manufactured for livestock was not the secret Covid treatment "they" didn't want you to know about.
I realize this may contradict what your drunk uncle told you. It also contradicts all those Russian social media trolls who are most certainly the origin of the "miracle" of Ivermectin and where your aforementioned drunk uncle gets most of his misinformation.
That's right, the stuff "they" don't want you to know.
Do you want to know who isn't passing out livestock dewormer to Covid patients? Livestock veterinarians, that's who. Neither are actual board certified doctors and clinicians for that matter.
Your drunk uncle would say "board certified" is just the "they" he's talking about. Except in the case of Rand Paul who is certified by his own board because "they" wouldn't certify him. "They" did, however, concede that he is quite certifiable.
Rand and his no mask no problem agenda is the kind of thing your drunk uncle and the rest of the dewormer delegation flocks to primarily because they have one huge thing in common.
None of them want to get along with their neighbor, either.
You probably aren't any form of livestock if you're reading this, but I'll go ahead and say don't take livestock dewormer. Neither your drunk uncle nor Rand Paul are qualified to suggest what you should do to prevent or recover from Covid.
Rand is imminently qualified, however, to give you suggestions on how to profit from Covid or being a lunatic's son or those unfortunate times when your neighbor has had quite enough of being your neighbor. It's all about the profit says aqua buddha.
I'm not sure what it says about a week when the FDA both approves the first Covid-19 vaccine and has to remind Americans they aren't livestock. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will be called Comirnaty which proves once again why we don't allow committees to name our kids.
Expect a dispatch from your drunk uncle this week that Comirnaty is an ancient druid term meaning lizard child molester. Of course "they" approved the drug because the Pfizer CEO is sleeping with Nancy Pelosi who is trafficing blackmarket masks to be sold at Belfry Middle School and possibly even Millard.
I know what you're thinking, because I thought it too. Not Millard.
Just remember, those of us who listen to scientists are sheep and those who don't are taking sheep dewormer. That's Trump's America for you.