Let's start this with some goodness. Don't run away cynics, there's plenty not so good to follow.
Picture an incandescent shaft of glorious sunlight burning through an angry cloudy sky. That's always a hopeful sight for most of us and an apt analogy for today.
In the two weeks since we talked about the Olympics, Pike County's Covid vaccination rate has jumped over 3% to 39.8%. That means more of us are taking the field to beat the pandemic instead of sitting on the sidelines waiting for it to magically disappear
That's got to be a good thing.
Another even better thing is we have a governor that isn't going to sit on his hands and let the Delta variant of Covid take out our kids. His statewide school mask mandate is backed by science and common sense public health.
Working vaccines and common sense practices mean we don't need to shut anything down. Kids go to school, workers go to work, businesses keep the economy running.Unless the death cult has their way.
That's the folk who don't want to get a vaccine, don't want to wear a mask, don't want to give a single damn about catching or spreading a deadly virus. The people who don't want the government to protect public health.
Most especially, it is the politicians who would prefer to let people die needlessly in service to an extreme ideology. Rand Paul is a prime example, Governors Desantis in Florida and Abbott in Texas are the most dangerous men in their respective states.
That makes them death cult icons.
The death culters really have a lot to celebrate these days. There's a worldwide pandemic that's killed over 4.25 million people worldwide, including 633,000 Americans. Most death culters would say things are going in the right direction.
But wait, there's more.
The UN report on climate change lays out a pretty grim future for most of us even if we stop putting CO2 into the atmosphere today. The ocean is going to rise, storms are going to get worse, and drought will be more common.
That's two realities the death culters can simultaneously deny and fight fixing in the name of freedom. Throw in the resignation of Andrew Cuomo (proof jackasses kick in both parties) and the culters have got to be beside themselves.
The saddest truth in all this is we can do something about climate change, just like we can do something about Covid, if only the death culters would get out of the way. For a bunch of people who don't believe in government, or society, or even humanity, they sure do vote.
When the death cult talks about freedom, it's theirs not yours. Our constitution gives everyone the right to be an idiot. But that's all. It doesn't give idiots freedom to do damage to the rest of us.
Today death culters are fine with kids in schools undergoing shooter drills but woe unto the superintendent wishing to protect those same kids with masks from a far more likely and common danger.
Imagine again that heavenly beam piercing the clouds. It's shining brightly on the state of Kentucky. Be thankful our governor isn't a cultist, too.