Maybe he's just trying to get home. That really would explain a lot of things.
The world's richest person could be doing a lot with his money, but Jeff Bezos is determined to get to space. The test flight he went on this week let him experience weightlessness. He got a good view of the planet's curve against the dark expanse of the solar system. But what's the next step?
Let's be honest, Jeff Bezos could easily pass for one of several guests on Star Trek. Add a third arm or eye in the back of his head and you'd never notice him in a Star Wars cantina.
Perhaps the whole rise of Bezos has been for one purpose and one purpose only: to be able to afford a one way ticket back to whichever distant galaxy he arrived from.
Think about it.
A poor family of aliens crash lands on a far-away remote planet populated by an early form of semi-intelligent life that's cursed to ignore the things they can see and make decisions based on the things they can't.
The family is amazed to learn when one group of these semi-intelligent beings meets another group who see the things they can't see differently they commence to killing one another.
Ironically, in the ways of these self-proclaimed 'humans', the only way to really see what can't be seen is to die in the first place so no one appears to really care. Unfortunately, dying tends to cut off lines of communication. No one was reporting back.
So the poor alien family survives by staying to themselves as much as possible and pretending to see whatever the human in front of them was trying to get them to see that can't be seen. This proved to be a reliable strategy for survival and has been for many stranded aliens.
Being a form of life with a couple billion more earth years of evolution than the ones that dominated the planet, young Jeff was able to quickly learn everything humans had figured out. He realized the only way back to his home was to acquire enough wealth to be able to develop the technology and build the craft himself.
Clearly he's not alone. There are two or three billionaires on this planet throwing national GDPs at rockets. That's because it takes a lot of money chasing a lot of technology to find that one that opens the secret paths between galaxies.
lon Musk, from an alien family so brazen they didn't even change their names, has also been looking for the ticket. They may seem like rivals, but he and Bezos are working together secretly because they're from the same star cluster.
On the other hand, Richard Branson is an actual human that just likes to have fun seeing the things he can see, unlike too many of his species.
So it's obvious what Jeff Bezos is up to this week. He took his brother with him for crying out loud, what other explanation is there?
And if Jeff's just trying to get home, I want to help all I can. Somebody's going to have to take care of all that stuff he's leaving behind. I know just the guy.