The biggest problem with an ostrich isn't that it's head is stuck in the sand. The biggest problem is it's still got a powerful kick.
The ostrich in our political quagmire has long dealt with real problems like they didn't exist. That wouldn't be so bad if it just stood quietly with it's head in the sand grooving along. Instead it kicks, blindly and predictably at the nightmares it conjurs in the sand.
Once it's pummelled whatever poor subject it's blindly assaulted, it prances in circles proclaiming it solved another problem, gives another much needed tax break to billionares, and plunges its head into the sand once again.
That scenario has been carried out for decades, nearly 25 to be exact. The only thing that changes is which conservative force takes the role of ostrich.
Today, the ostrich has its head buried deep on the subject of racism. An ostrich will tell you racism in America does not exist and if it does, Obama did it. It won't even notice the sand it's spitting as its telling you this.
No, what the ostrich wants you to know is the real problem in America is critical race theory. Then it will flap its wings chirping things that aren't really real unless you have lots of sand in your ears.
Unlike many of the ostrich's delusions, critical race theory does exist. Just not in any form the ostrich is squawking about. But that hasn't stopped the ostrich from promoting legislation in state houses across the country banning its teaching. Don't want to make those precious preppies uncomfortable, now do we?
Some of you might have noticed, rightly so, that a few weeks ago the ostrich was flapping that the real problem in America is transgender kids playing sports so we need spies in bathrooms. A few weeks before that the real problem was having to wear a mask on an airplane so we need free face laws.
Like critical race theory, they dealt with those pretend issues with actual legislation across the country pretty much guaranteed to be overturned at first challenge. But that has never stopped the ostrich. It's all about the principle with the ostrich.
And who better to preach principles than a bird who can't fly with its head buried in the ground?
Just this week, the ostriches in the senate as one pretended election laws on the federal level aren't necessary. The ostriches see no problem that their fellow ostriches in the state houses are making it harder for Americans to vote. Even fellow ostriches can overthrow elections willy nilly based on legislation in some states like Georgia.
Because the real principal the ostrich lives by is win at any costs. What else could you stand for with your head defiantly stuck in the dirt?
If the rest of us are in denial of this, we're destined to be perpetually kicked by the bird with its head buried in the ground.