Stop me if I've said this before. Wait, don't stop me you probably need to hear it again, anyway.
There's a ruling class in this country and the laws you and I live by don't apply to them.
Did you get that? Good. Here's another one for you. Same rules apply.
A preacher, a politician and a used-car salesman are at the Pearly Gates. Who gets in?
The used-car salesman. He lets his customers keep the ride while customers of the other two just get taken for one.
It should be noted the Kentucky Republicans have put 18 preachers in the general assembly. Ain't nobody getting the keys to that car.
More things you've heard and probably need to hear again? I'm your man.
Senator Yertle is nothing if not consistent. A consistent stream of hypocrisy that is. The man who proclaimed the truth that Donald Trump was responible for the attack on the capital turned around and refused to bring the Senate back for an impeachment trial while he was in office then once a trial was held contended an impeachment after leaving office was unconstitutional. If that wasn't enough, he then again declared Trump guilty of instigating insurrection and predicted the courts would take care of him in due course.
If you can follow that paragraph, you're a better reader than I. The master hypocrite is still the smartest guy in the room and he sees the end of the party he holds dear if the forces of Trump and conspiracists continue to dominate the party.
Unfortunately, he might have miscalculated. Maybe he should have drowned the monster before he burned 75% of the village down. That's about the percentage of Republicans who think Trump did nothing wrong and Jewish lasers are striking Dallas.
No party survives on conspiracy theories. Not the Whigs. Not the Know Nothings. And not the Republicans. Look it up.
Speaking of conspiracies, here's one for you.
The state of Texas, which has been dominated by the Republican machine since the 90s, chose in the last 30 years to separate their power grid from the rest of the country to keep Texas power utilities from having to follow federal regulations. Regulations like keeping infrastructure up enough to survive freezing temperatures.
Oddly enough, that magical independent grid servicing the one of the largest energy producer's in the world couldn't take the cold and is failing the people of Texas. No, the problems aren't because windmills froze up. The fossil fuels based plants were the weak links because basic regulations were ignored. Like insulating basic valves and gas lines.
Your drunk uncle will blame the cancellation of the Keystone pipeline and snow covered solar panels for the rolling blackouts and freezing Texans. He'll do it with such certainty it's hard to imagine how clueless he really is.
So stop me if I've said this before. There's a ruling class in this country and that's what keeps your clueless Uncle drunk.