Impeachment fever has struck Kentucky, but not the impeachment on minds across the country. Republicans in Kentucky want to impeach Andy Beshear for being just too good at his job.
While competence has long been a trait unappreciated in GOP circles, it has recently become the kiss of death in the eyes of the ReTrumplican. Who needs competence when patronage and nepotism rule? Being able to do something besides get elected is not a Republican priority and anyone not a Republican exhibiting any competence at all will not be tolerated.
Which is a pretty good way to describe the Kentucky legislature and senate. The Attorney General of Kentucky has also demonstrated that competence comes last when choosing candidates. Whoda thunk an attorney should have some actual court experience before arguing a case in court.
You mean tennis courts don't count?
Republican leadership has been terribly upset with Andy Beshear for two very hard to argue with reasons. First and foremost, he's not a Republican, which means he's a satan worshipping, baby eating, gay marriage believing, communisting socialist. Second, he's competent.
So, besides passing every law one of their mail-order attorneys can dream up to take power away from the governor, they're letting a ridiculous impeachment petition, signed by the seven Trumpets in Kentucky who can spell their names without notes, sit in committee to be considered by the House.
The same committee is also considering a petition to impeach the aforementioned Attorney General, Daniel Cameron, for incompetence. Guess which one has the best chance of making it to the chamber?
You see, the truth is, most of these Party of No representatives would prefer to live in Tennessee. Some are so jealous to be orange with envy.
They say "look at Tennessee" and how well they're doing. No shutdowns, no mask mandates, no snakes have gone unhandled in one single church. Besides that wacko Dolly Parton whining about BLM, Tennessee is where we want to be.
To which I say, "please, go ahead and move there". I think I'd rather just wait it out a little longer in Kentucky with Andy. Why would I want to do that, you ask?
Good question. Last week, I ran a few numbers comparing Kentucky with its surrounding states, including the Volunteer one. I looked at state populations, number of reported coronavirus cases and number of coronavirus deaths. The idea is to be in the state with the fewest number of cases and deaths.
Guess what? The only neighbor you're less likely to catch Coronavirus and die than Kentucky? Virginia. The Party of Strife does not want you to know there's a Democratic governor and legislature there.
What about Tennessee? Their population is 50% larger than Kentucky's, but Covid cases and deaths double Kentucky's. You're 50% more likely to catch or die of Covid in Tennessee than Kentucky. How's that for competent leadership?
The only thing that makes Senate president Robert Stivers cry more than Kentucky basketball players exercising their rights is living with the fact he doesn't reside in Tennesee under the incompetent leadership he deserves. He's got the gavel, so somebody is going to pay as long as he doesn't get it stuck sideways in the space the Trumpet's heads normally occupies.