Did anybody out there see where summer went? It did show up didn't it?
I seem to spend most of my time debating whether it was just yesterday that the NBA postponed its season or seven years ago. I've felt caught in a groundhog day pattern since April when I accepted the challenge of keeping my favorite little community radio station on the air. My eight week commitment sits at 22 weeks and counting.
If you remember, hardly anyone was talking about social distancing on March 11 when the National Backetball Association stopped playing after one of it's players tested positive for Covid-19 before a game. If you go by the calendar, that would be 27 weeks or 6 months ago.
Within a week, the NCAA had canceled the basketball tournament and Trump had declared a national emergency. It seems like ancient history now.
Or maybe it seems like just last week. It's so hard to tell because, on the one hand the guy in the White House was downplaying the pandemic at every turn and on the other hand businesses were making decisions to postpone or shut down that would cost them billions in revenues. Public school systems across the country were closing and public health experts were suggesting limiting gatherings to ten or fewer people. Maybe masks would help.
If it was no worse than the flu, why would capitalists leave so much gold on the table?
The friction between competing narratives altered time from a fairly static straight line to an amorphous blob of confusion. Did I start this paragraph a couple minutes ago or has it been a month.
I honestly can't tell. That's what happens to my head when I've got a constant stream of facts coming in one ear and alternative facts rolling in the other. I lose all sense when that happens. For instance, I just typed 'alternative facts' when typing 'lies' would have been far more accurate and efficient.
Where's the sense in that?
There is none. Times of pandemic are weird enough. But there's been a lot more than just pandemic in this period the calendar says is 6 months. Recession, murderous cops, Black Lives Matter, arsonist Boogaloos, rampant hurricanes and a handful of western states on fire are facts on the short list.
The lies that followed those facts do nothing but confuse the passages of time. Has it been months or has it been days? The death cult got so caught up in trying to sell herd immunity as a way out of the pandemic they didn't realize they wound up with herd mentality.
And Putin's Puppy, the Oval Office Fraud, claims he downplayed the pandemic all along because he didn't want to panic the American public. This is from a guy who has tried to scare the beejesus out of Americans every single day he's disgraced the office he holds.
It really doesn't much matter how much time has passed, what does matter is how we see it from tomorrow. I know I'll always refer to this period of time as the days of the Trump Virus. 200,000 dead Americans would tell you it's worse than the flu.