It's in the Mail

I considered just mailing this column in this week.  But who knows if there'll be a post office by the time you read it.

For some reason, people think Putin's Puppy is responsible for the recent troubles but for once we can't blame him completely.  The Republican party has had it in for the postal system since FedEx paid McConnell to draw a nice target on its back.

That would be 2006, when a Republican congress passed a law forcing the United States Postal Service to fully fund 75 years worth of pensions.  A true Trump supporter tried to tell me it was signed into law by Obama, but all you need is a calendar to prove that wasn't true.

Just an aside, calendars are elitist,  expect Trumpets will soon write them off, too.

So when you can name a delivery company that is forced to fully fund 75 years worth of pensions before it makes a dime, I'll stop writing.

But since you haven't, I'll keep going. No,  the Trump isn't responsible for the issues the USPS has been dealing with the last fourteen years. All he's responsible for is installing a postmaster general who's really tired of waiting for his FedEx stocks to peak. It's dumb luck that DeJoy was in the middle of dismantling the service at the same time millions of Americans want to mail their votes for the entirely selfish reason of staying alive.

Oddly enough, when senators from both sides of the aisle heard about constituents dying for lack of mailed medications, they looked into it.  It didn't much matter to the Republicans that the post office is defined in the Constitution since they fed the post office a poison pill back in the oughts. But their plan was to let the market take care of it, not the MaraLogian candidate they've pinned their dreams to.

It didn't help that Putin's choice stated right out loud he wanted the Post Office to die so he'd have a better chance of getting elected.  It usually makes things easier when your chosen despot has half a brain.

This has led several old white guys with Rs after their names to act like they care about dying consituents. The Postmaster General has had to walk back his previous statements that the organization couldn't possibly handle millions of ballots, what with mechanical mailsorters and drop boxes being removed from blue states across the country.  And he has no idea who would have ordered those changes, anyway.

The main thing for many of these Rs, especially those hanging around the White House, is that none of you notice the Senate Intelligence committee's report that the last election, the one where a woman got the most votes but a reality tv washout was selected by an electoral college that doesn't resemble anything set forth in the Constitution, was dominated by the President for Life of Russia.

The most important thing to note about that report is it was bipartisan, not just Ds. There is one more Republican than Democrats on that committee.

It's a good thing Trump is illiterate, because if he read it he would most certainly go postal.