It is what it is. Let's see what the fact checkers make of that one.
Since Trump said it, you can be sure of one of two things. Either it is what it isn't or it isn't what it is.
We report, you decide.
Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. A U.S. Senator once said, "You are entitled to your own opinion, but you aren't entitled to your own facts." How quaint.
That senator has been dead nearly twenty years which is about how long ago Americans concluded if the facts don't fit the story, go ahead and make up your own. That, in and of itself, explains the Cult of Trump better than anything.
In actuality, and I can make up the facts to prove it, Americans have deluded themselves with pretend facts far longer than any living person has breathed. The difference today is we have highly efficient electronic means to brainwash people.
Repeating the same lie over and over doesn't make it true, it just makes it believed. And if enough people believe it, it doesn't have to be true. This is the crux of the great divide in America today.
Today both conservatives and progressives swallow conspiracy theories hook, line and sinker because they're both primarily driven by delusion instead of reason. Instead of sticking to main stream press for news, they'll run to Breitbart or the Daily Beast because those two sources feed their needs. Like populists.
And woe be unto anyone who demands accuracy and responsibility.
This week I received a gotcha message from someone incensed to be asked to protect his fellow human by wearing a mask because the truth is the pandemic is a hoax perpetrated by Democrats and Bill Gates to weaken the greatest president this country has ever had and force us all to have microchips implanted.
I know what some of you are thinking, because I thunk it, too. Wait a minute, hasn't George Washington been dead a couple hundred years?
Yes he has. But that's not the point here.
The proof in his gotcha wasn't a peer reviewed research paper or a listing of observable facts or an article from a reliably sourced publication or even a segment of Fox and Friends. It was a meme. In his mind, that meme was all the proof he needed to support his one world microchipped delusion.
In another exchange where more cultists were whining about mail-in voting, I pointed out that 5 states carried out all elections mail-in only and about seventeen others provided no-fault ballots by mail to go with traditional polls. Guess what? No matter how many references I provided for these easily verifiable facts, I was the liar. How did they know? Trump said so.
In an even more mind boggling example of double-speak, this week Trump sued Nevada for providing mail in ballots for active registered voters and at the same time encouraged voters in Florida to request mail-in ballots. What could be the difference?
One's governor is a Democrat, the other's is a Republican.
And what else can you say about that than it is what it is.