Black ops and Donald's coming, we're obviously on our own. Sorry Neil.
The difference between today and the days Neil Young wrote "Ohio" is then we had a president who loved America and wasn't hell bent on turning the national treasury into his own personal Cayman bank account. More importantly, his party was committed to the actual constitution instead of maintaining politburo style control over an oligarchy.
Today we have no president and we haven't since January 20, 2017. Worse still, we have a political party whose leadership has such high disdain for the constitution of the United States one wonders how much Russia and China are paying them.
In 1974, Nixon did not resign the presidency because he was caught doing bad things. He resigned because the party leadership signaled it would support the Constitution and find him guilty in the impeachment process and Nixon did not want to be the first U.S. president removed from office.
Today, the Republican party stands for nothing but maintaining power. Deficits? Who cares as long as billionaires get more tax breaks. States rights? Only applies to red states. Rule of law? What we say it is. The constitution? Just a piece of paper.
The leader of the party, our own Mitch McConnell, has such disdain for the constitution he'd leave a Supreme Court seat open for a year betting his party would steal another presidential election. But of course, if there was an empty seat today he'd fast track whichever Cracker Jack diploma holding cretin the Oval Office Fraud nominated.
And that nominee would be the one who promised to uphold every single thing the Fraud hoisted upon the American public.
It didn't matter to Mitch what Donald Trump did. If he'd sold nuclear arms to North Korea and pocketed the cash, Senator McConnell would vote to acquit.
Dr. Seuss must have had a time machine handy when he wrote "Yertle the Turtle".
In Kentucky, McConnell pushed a guy for Attorney General who never once practiced law. Sure, he has a law degree. But his professional career has been researching ways conservative judges could subvert the constitution to get more conservative judges on the bench.
The guy was shocked, shocked I tell you, when the state Supreme Court actually followed the text of Kentucky's constitution giving the governor emergency powers instead of the text of Mitch McConnell's orders.
But when your party has spent decades denying science, it's easy to get confused about how pandemics work. If Daniel Cameron had passed a science class instead of using his public school education to become a fake lawyer, he might get it.
But here we are. This country hasn't had this kind of anti-American major political party since the Democrats of 1860. And yes, it was the Democrats who would rather destroy the United States than give up human bondage.
But that was then and this is now. It's the Republicans who stand for everything the 19th century Ds stood for. And guess what? It was Nixon who sparked that transformation.
But no matter how much Nixon wanted power, he'd never have sold our military out to Russia. Cadet Bonespurs already has.