Deplore This

Remember when Hillary said half of Trump's supporters were a basket of deplorables.  Looking around today, I'm thinking she underestimated.

Granted, over half of his support not registered Republican has disappeared.  He's even lost a percentage of his party support, but not nearly as much as you'd think.

Many are hanging right in there with him and there's a good reason.

Today, a huge percentage of the once proud party believe this country was better when it had slavery, when women couldn't vote, and when preachers made laws. These people would rather disgrace their grandparents and embrace fascism and the teachings of Hitler than admit blind prejudice is a personality flaw.

These are the people who believe this country should never have had a black president, much less one who was wildly popular.

These are people who think sick people should die.  They think immigrants should be shut out.  They honestly think their ancestors predated native Americans on this contintent, and no amount of proof will convince them otherwise.

These people hate science, because understanding science takes some intelligence and any conversation with a Death Cult conspiracy theorist will quickly illustrate intelligence wasn't on the menu the day they were born. Reason is nothing they want any part of.

These are people who wouldn't raise a finger to serve their country but show up at a BLM rally with their finger on the trigger, aching for an excuse to fire.  The more active among them simply jump in a car and drive into the crowd.

And these people really love cops who kill innocent people because there's nothing innocent about someone who isn't lily white like them.

You'll rarely hear me sing the praises of smart phones, but 90% of Americans walking around with a high quality video camera in their pocket has been a godsend. It's a lot harder for bad people to remain in the shadows when decent people can capture their atrocious behavior and share.

From rogue cops killing innocent Americans to over-priviledged Karens throwing hissy fits because they don't want to wear a mask, the montage of people acting badly on video could fill a labor day weekend telethon. And by weekend I really a few months worth.

But for all the despicable activities of these deplorables, their individual actions pale against the examples provided by the man of their dreams, the low life in chief.

The fraud occupying the oval office, in just this week, has threatened to defund schools who remain closed during the pandemic, has attempted to revoke student visas of foreign college students in this country, has suggested NASCAR bring back the rebel flag and the single African American driver apologize for being uppity, and claimed having the highest number of Coronavirus cases and deaths in the world is a badge of honor.

If I'd known a dunce cap was more impressive than a diploma, I'd have skipped school more often.  What the heck were my parents thinking?  A life of crime, intolerance and ignorance would have served me much better than simply trying to be a good person.