Bad Hire

Imagine hiring a CEO to run your company who'd never been hired to run a company before.  Welcome to the United States.

Before 2016, Donald J Trump had only had one job in his whole life his father didn't hire him to do.   That job was to act like a successful business man. Although he'd been doing it his whole life (acting not being), he was still fired from the only job he ever had not provided by daddy.

Before 2016, Donald J Trump was wildly successful at two things:  Being born and running businesses into the ground.

Once upon a time, Americans were inspired by hard work, intelligence, and loyalty.  We admired the underdog who rose up from humble beginnings, who persevered through difficult circumstances, who sacrificed for the good of others. Those who overcame hardship to find success were our touchstones.

I imagine there are still some Americans who value those things.  The Horatio Alger story isn't completely dead in this country, but its been relegated to middle of the night reruns on American Movie Classics.

No, what at least a third of Americans today admire is laziness, ignorance and intrigue. They admire the kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who turned tail and ran everytime things got difficult or duty called, who was the first in line to get more of the things he already had more of than anybody else.  Overcoming hardship is for losers.

The touchstone for these people, usually referred to as Republicans, is a born rich sociopath with a distinct inability to tell the truth who has cheated on every wife he's had, who's bankrupted every business he's owned, and seems to get along much better with tyrants and emperors than statesmen and ambassadors.

They love the guy who called nazis "good people" and anti-shutdown protesters "very responsible".  They can't get enough of the guy who encourages boys to "grab 'em by the genitals".  And they especially admire a guy whose willing to put all those non-white people crossing our borders in their place.

A cage for every refugee!

Does it matter that we've lost our leadership in the world?  Does it matter that the administration is taking money congress allocated for small businesses and giving it to publically traded corporations?  Does it matter that states are left to buy medical supplies on the black market when the fraud's son in law claims there are enough ventilators for anyone who just sends him $1,000,000 in unmarked bills?

None of these things matter to the Trumpets.  Actually, most of these descendants of immigrants are beside themselves because their spiritual leader is stopping all immigration until further notice. After all, strong bodied Americans have been trying to get those slave-wage farm labor jobs for decades now.

Everything will be okay.  Those real Amurkans out protesting the strategies put in place by governors because the guy in the White House couldn't be bothered could certainly do the work. They've already got trucks.

I'd say picking food is a great way to serve your country.  We've just got to convince them to drop their weapons and pick up a bucket.