You're not going to believe this, but I'll tell you anyway. Donald John Trump and SJ Ruth have something big in common.
Something huge actually. Really huge. Really.
Are you ready for it? Here it is:
We both were once elected to public office.
I am not making this up. Rod Serling couldn't make this stuff up. Or Jordan Peele for the younger crowd.
As inexplicable as this may seem, it actually happened.
I share this with you, gentle reader, as a Valentine pick me up. As a small reminder there is hope.
Yes, yes, I know. There is a slight difference between the Oval Office and a seat on the Elkhorn City council.
At least I got in by the popular vote. So, besides the perks, I'd say it's about even.
But that's not the point. The offices we were elected to have nothing to do with what I'm sharing. The crucial word in the phrase 'we both were once elected to public office' is once.
The word once is the tonic in this remedy. Anything can happen once but that doesn't mean the same thing has to happen again. Sometimes the world naturally balances when anomalies arise.
Like when people with no business in office land there. Granted, DJT and SJR may not be suited for office for very different reasons. Just the same, no one should want them there.
Take a look at the good news this week. The Democrats managed to hold a primary with no confusion and that has to be reason to rejoice. The field may be dwindling, but there are still plenty of people who have been elected more than once to be excited about.
Some of these people actually should be elected more than once, which is more than you can say about most Republicans.
I haven't chosen a favorite in the field. I see something to like in just about every one of them. We're not supposed to endorse here, so I couldn't tell you my favorite if I had one anyway.
I will say I've never been a fan of a particular former vice-president and he's trending the way I'd prefer. I'm not a billionaire, so I'd probably like a candidate who isn't, either. But I am a boomer and hope it's not one of those.
But whoever goes up against the Trump in November, I'll be there. All it takes is for the majority of us who believe once is enough to be there.
So there is hope, dear liberal loonie! Whenever the tides are crashing down and the absurdity seem too great to bear, use this as your mantra.
Instead of OOOMMM, chant OONNCCEE in your meditation. Not just once, every time you take a moment to regroup. ONCE ONCE ONCE ONCE.
Just lighten up my friends. Ignore the drama. You can still stand up in November, you can still cast your ballot.
You can make sure once is the one thing this writer and the Trump have in common. Once and for all.