Advice for the Turtle Court

Thanksgiving may be past, but the turkey feathers are still flying.  The problem with turkeys is it's so hard to tell them apart.

I've got some advice for the blue shaded turkeys in D.C.

If there was ever an Oval Office occupant who deserved impeachment, we are living with him now.  Commander Bonespurs is an insult to everything our founders believed in.

Let's take a quick look at the three things our founders most fretted over.

The first is simple, they distrusted monarchies. One person should not be the final arbiter of anything.  The second thing they distrusted are theocracies. Government should not favor one church and one church should not dominate the government.  The third thing they distrusted was an oligarchy.  Large corporations and monied interests should not rule over individuals.

Obviously, there are other things, but these dominated and had consensus. There was a fourth thing many distrusted, and that was political parties. George Washington was right.

So here we are at the end of 2019.  The guy in the White House acts like a king.  He personally profits from his office and works to reward his billionaire cronies with public lands.  Millionaire preachers claim he's sent by God and their followers buy it like milk, ignoring his decidedly and proudly indecent existence.

We know Trump was elected with the efforts of Russia. We know he obstructed investigations on his involvement. We know several of his associates were convicted of crimes connected to those investigations.  We know he tried to get Ukraine to dig dirt on his most likely opponent in the next election.

When I say we, I mean those of us who aren't pure Trumpets. Those folks will call the sky green until death.

Luckily the majority of the American population are We.  We see it, we know it, we believe he's guilty and should not be in office.

Unfortunately, we have to deal with that fourth issue.  We have to rely on parties and politicians to do the right thing. Republicans in DC are definitely not going to come close.

We already know that, too.

The crimes of Donald Trump will never by prosecuted by Mitch McConnell.  He would vow fealty to Putin before he'd remove one of his own from office. His party has worked against the majority of American's desires for decades.

So here's my advice. Get all the information you can and make it public.  Take the impeachment hearings to the very last step. After the House votes to move forward with articles of impeachment, withdraw the articles.

Don't forward them to the Senate where the circus will only get crazier. Don't give them the chance to grandstand and come up with a dozen more conspiracy theories.

An actual impeachment trial will cause nothing but harm  if one side only works in bad faith. Remember Clinton?  Take the facts to the people and work to sweep as many Republicans out of office as possible in 2020.

Respect the trends of the last two elections, give us good candidates and let the people send the Trump and his fellow crooks home.