That high pitched wailing sound you hear is not a siren. It's the conniption in chief throwing a terrible toddler tantrum.
Trumpets far and wide are whining in unision because that's basically what spoiled brats do when tearing apart the sandbox. One starts bawling, they all go off like wind up toys.
Like most self absorbed three year olds, the Donald just can't get a break. Those mean old adults keep telling him no you can't when yes you can is all he has ever heard.
Don't those adults know the Trumpets always say yes you can. Assault women? Yes! Encourage Nazi's? A-OK! Take children from their parents? No problem! Turn your back on allies and give ground to Russia? Well the Kurds are no angels!
Just because no oval office occupant has ever held up foreign military aid to get dirt on a political opponent doesn't mean it isn't a good idea. It's a genius idea, just ask the stable genius in total tantrum mode. Or tone deaf Trumpets. Or Russian troll farms.
If only these American adults would listen to a real adult says Commander Bonespurs. Now Putin, that's a real adult, unlike those West Point educated guys and their phony service to country. He loved the idea of withholding aid to the country he's been financing a guerilla war against.
The victim in chief has been quick to point out how the Democrats in congress are being so unfair to actually investigate his beautiful phone calls and brilliant business deals. He claims it's just like a lynching.
If you asked Will James, Laura Nelson, or Ruben Stacy about that, know what you'd hear? Nothing. Because they were actually lynched and are dead. They got no investigation, no lawyers and no trial. The other thing that's different is they were all innocent.
The thing the Donald is most upset about isn't that the adults are criticizing his desertion of the Kurds and ceding Syria to Putin or that there are investigations into his blackmailing of the Ukrainian president. No, those are secondary to his primary goal.
What really has him kicking and screaming is that phony emoluments clause people keep claiming he's breaking. If he wants to host a summit of world leaders at his very own second-rate golf club then why in the world can't he? It's a win-win for everybody!
First, as hosts we save a lot of money because Trump resorts can do it at cost. Trust him! And second, that resort isn't really performing so well and a few million foreign dollars should keep it open at least until the end of his term. See? The country saves money and he makes money?
Isn't that exactly what Hamilton had in mind? You know Rudy Giuliani would make that argument. Just like he'd make the argument that the stolen Democratic server is in Kiev hidden in Hunter Biden's penthouse right next to Jimmy Hoffa's body where Hillary left it.
The temper tantrums rolling through Washington will continue. The question is will somebody break out the belt or will he just be sent home without supper.