Baby It's Cold Outside

Baby it's cold outside.  I think I better stay.

But Meat, you live right next door. There's barely a couple inches of snow.  You really should go.

Kinda sounds like a song doesn't it?  That's the old conversation Meat and I used to have before Tater came along to put something other than spiked eggnog in his holiday plans.

Now I look forward to late evening conversations with the couple.  Tater has a way of reeling Meat's more extreme wassal influenced rants back from the terroristic threatening realm he used to occupy.

Just last night they were over until almost midnight chewing the holiday fat. There's a lot of fat to chew these days, too.

Meat's considering sending his resume to the White House.  If Chris Christie doesn't get the Chief of Staff job, he believes he's the next best choice.  He reminded us, several times, that he was once in charge of the annual Elkhorn Kiwanis Club bar b que.

He seemed oblivious to the fact that neither has existed since that fateful day. It's the experience that counts.

Tater was in more of a contemplative mood.  She believes 2018 will go down as the year the Republican party openly quit on the concept of democracy and rule by law.

The thing to know about the GOP is they are always secretly doing whatever they are accusing the other side of.  All this mumbo jumbo about voter fraud? Well what do you call thousands of uncounted absentee ballots in Georgia and Florida?  What do you call gerrymandering state districts so that no matter how many people vote for Democrats, there's always a Republican majority?
What exactly do you call lame duck laws that take power away from newly elected officials simply because they aren't Republicans?  It's the same as when an outlaw Senate leader refuses to consider a President's constitutional obligation to appoint Supreme Court justices.

It's called a fraud on the voters, that's what it's called. And the party of Trump is of course the party of fraud.  It's the one thing he's good at.

Hey, what's in this drink? You left the nog out of my eggnog!

There's nothing left out of that drink, Meat.  Eggnog without nog is just yolks.  I put plenty of rum in there.

Yeah, says you.

We all enjoyed a good laugh at the Cheetoh's on camera hissy fit over the border wall. We agreed if Chuck Shumer can make you look bad on national TV, you're not winning. So much not winning!

The Donald's so desparate for a win, he'll take credit for shutting down the government.  His party will be happy, too, because what they really mean by small government is no government at all.

When Meat brought up the "I" word, claiming the Democrats didn't have a carrot on their snowman if they didn't start proceedings in January, Tater stood right up.

We really can't stay. We really should go. He brought up the word and I say no, no, no. You know there's bound to be talk...

But Tater, just one more drink.  Meat is right on the brink. It's not near as late as you think.

And baby, it's cold outside.