Gut Check

Great men listen to their gut.  Not so great men listen to nothing else.

Most guts on the week after Thanksgiving are begging we step away from the leftover stuffing.  Mine has been telling me to feed that last piece of pecan pie to the neighborhood bear.

Yes, we have a neighborhood bear.  He wanders down the water tank hill, way up on Gobbler's Knob and visits houses around me just about every day. He's--I have no idea if he's a he or a she, we haven't discussed pronoun assignments--a polite guy.  He never visits more than one house a day and always leaves most of the trash laying around the overturned can so it's easy to pick back up.

I'm assuming this is a bear who follows his gut.  I'm also assuming the bear's gut says 'feed me'.  What I'm not assuming is when the gut speaks, the bear does some calculations.

Where is the food?  There's evidence down the hill of a neighborhood of humans.  What do I have to do to get it? There's evidence of a can or two behind each house with plastic bags full of food. Is it safe for me to get it? The humans usually either turn and run or yell at me and take pictures.  As long as I don't try to eat their little yappy dogs, I can come and go as I please.

The truth is, bears aren't rocket scientists, so that's about all the calculating they do once their gut has spoken.  But it's important to note that they all do the calculation.  If they didn't, half of Elkhorn would have bearskin rugs by now.

If you were wondering, when a bear is peering through your window and sees a bearskin rug, they mosey on to the next house.  The evidence over-rules the gut for the time being.

But there are some out there who only listen to that gut.  I've noticed a lot of them are fond of daily Big Macs and hourly Twitter, but I haven't done the research to see if there's something to that. My gut tells me to go for the Filet o Fish instead.

Anyway, one of those gut only guys occupies the White House. Thanks to his gut, he's bankrupted every company he's ever been involved with. It looks like he'll keep his streak going with the current one he pretends to run.

Just this past week, we've learned his gut tells him that man made Climate Change is fake and the 95% of climate scientists who say it isn't don't have his gut so how could they possibly know?

He also says his gut tells him the CIA can't be right and there's no way the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia would have a respected journalist beaten, choked, and fileted.  If the CIA had his gut, they'd know it was an obvious Clinton hit.

Finally, his gut tells him refugee women and children should be met with tear gas.  And that makes me think all this gut talk is nonsense.

Cowards have no guts.