They say a rising tide floats all boats. Tell that to the boats anchored to the sea floor.
Over a week after election day, that small blue wave keeps getting higher and higher. Republicans tied to Cadet Bone Spurs keep slipping under the tide like they're wearing cement shoes.
How appropriate for the henchmen of the biggest crook to ever occupy the White House. Richard Nixon was no crook, he just tried to steal elections.
Herr Trump, on the other hand, wants to steal it all. That's the way of the conman and, without doubt, the Donald is the greatest conman in the history of these United States.
And some of you thought I couldn't give credit where credit is due!
The Donald could sell opera tickets to PT Barnum and Chevy's to Joel Osteen. His marks would never believe the greatest businessman who ever lived actually declared bankruptcy on a casino.
Make no mistake, the great Cheetoh is just that--fake cheese. He may look like a block of sharp cheddar but in reality he's just an over-priced air-popped combination of styrofoam, cheese flavoring and orange dye number 666.
This is all appropriate for the guy who once said if he ever ran for office he'd run as a Republican because their base is uninformed. Lo and behold, he did and they were.
His party has been running the long con, for the most part, since their Saint Ronnie sold the government is bad lie. The best lies are the ones that have a note of truth and it is true our form of government should be bad for crooks and cons, snake oil salesmen and billionaires, monopolies and sociopaths.
But the Republican party has created a government that is good for the bad guys and bad for the good guys. Their defacto heart, Yertle McTurtle, is no slouch in the con game. As a matter of fact, the senate has never seen his equal.
While Republithugs on the state level did everything they could to suppress votes in Georgia and Florida, Senator Yertle had the audacity to suggest to a Fox News audience that a House of Representatives controlled by Democrats might create partisan gridlock in DC.
Of course, he's the champion of partisan gridlock, so he's at least knowledgeable on the subject. But the author of the Hypocritic Oath isn't a guy who should be pointing claws.
He made the assertion to the Faux News audience. At this point, that audience is made up of people who hate democracy, love dictators and wish those darn dark skinned people would stay in their place. Cadet Bonespur's core supporters, in other words.
Unfortunately, it appears the Oval Office Fraud hasn't been feeling well since the election. It's possible he's come down with the soon to be indicted flu, an affliction common to those in the con game when they feel the walls closing in.
The poor guy couldn't even show up to honor those veterans he thinks so highly of. That mean old weather just wouldn't cooperate and there's not an umbrella in the world that can cover his greatness.
He's sure those unknown soldiers would understand.