Surfin the Wave

What's the difference between a tsunami and a swell? It depends on the twitter feed.

Those of you hoping to surf the blue wave these days after the mid-terms won't be completely skunked, but that wave would barely overtake a kiddie pool.

But at least there's a surf there.

The home state proved itself capable of defending it's bottom dweller seat in all things national by maintaining a red super majority in the legislature. The Democrats picked up one, possibly two seats as of this writing.

I guess all those people who weren't going to forget forgot what they weren't forgetting. Maybe that's easy to do when you're a product of Kentucky schools and are terrified of all those Honduran women barely 600 miles from our border.

On the other hand, who would have thought the bluest parts of the Commonwealth would be Jefferson and Pike Counties?  Maybe all those highly paid Democratic operatives should visit Pikeville and learn something.

Unfortunately most of them couldn't find their behinds, much less Pikeville, with Mapquest.

They better hurry or this time next year we'll be looking at the re-election of Governor Granite just in time to remember what we weren't forgetting.

Nevertheless, there were just enough folks around the country not stuck in reality television to turn the U.S. House over to the Democrats.  The best part about that is we can finally end our long national nightmare of Benghazi hearings.

The happiest guy around might be the one who's been pretty quiet over the last month. It's almost like he's had the month off or something.  But a House full of Democrats guarantees his name will be called often in the next few months.


Firing the special counsel will no longer be an option for the Oval Office Fraud because that would guarantee impeachment proceedings in the House for obstruction of justice.

I'd personally find that disappointing, I'm still holding out for the first presidential impeachment for treason which is where Mueller's adventure could very well take us.

At the very least, expect hearings to fire up shortly based on the emoluments clause.  Cadet Bonespurs may actually be a billionaire at this point thanks to two solid years of pocket lining from Saudi princes and Russian oligarchs.

And in case you were wondering, there's never been a day Saudi princes or Russian oligarchs have been pro-democracy.  The Republican party was pro-democracy once upon a time, but those days are long gone, too.

At least we can rest for a few weeks without the barrage of political ads.  Maybe the little wave of blue will start wearing on the foundations of the oligarchy the Republicans have been building on our shores.

Corporations aren't people and money isn't speech.  The only money spent on state races should be money from individuals in those states.  The only money spent on national races should be from American citizens.

Make dark money and politcal action committees a thing of the past.  If we want our system of government to work, break up the media monopolies and fire the think tanks and lobbyists.

They're only fronts for the elite who want all the benefits of the United States but none of the responsibility.