There are two kinds of people in the world. Me...and everybody else.
Not to say that I'm special or anything. That would sound pretty narcicistic and I don't even own a mirror. All the mirrors in my house cracked a while back which makes it hard to get my hair right.
My hair has never been right.
It's just that I've always felt like an alien wandering this planet, waiting for that saucer to come scoop me up and take me wherever it is I'm from.
None of you ever felt that way, right?
I know what you're thinking. What's with the introspective gibberish, SJ? Why aren't you castigating Kavannah or damning the Donald?
I'll not disagree, there is plenty to be up on the horse about. I just got back from the nation's capital and I could write about that for the rest of the year.
But between this column and next week's, I'll complete my sixtieth trip around the sun. That's a 6 followed by a 0. Five twelves. Two thirties. Fifteen fours.
Somehow I just can't get it to add up. It's hard to get my head around and I've got a big head.
So, as you might imagine, I've been doing a lot of thinking going into this weekend. Seems most people have a lot figured out by this age. But like we started, there are two kinds of people in this world.
I'm not certain of a lot more things than I was at twenty. But there are some things I'm driven to mention.
I like dogs but I don't like dogma. In my mind, a dog is much stronger proof of a loving creator than the tenets of religion. A thousand breeds all came from the same dog. Just like religion.
I believe people are born with good intentions and it goes downhill from there. But given the right chance, most of us will do the right thing. That's because most of us aren't politicians.
I believe our country would be better if we spent more time telling corporations and political parties how to behave than individuals. Money is not now, nor will ever be speech, no matter what Yertle the Turtle and his Federalist Society judges would have you believe.
I believe to live in a free society you have to put up with a lot of things you don't like. I believe many who call themselves Americans want no part of that, unfortunately. The only difference between people on the far left and far right is what they're wrong about.
Columbus didn't discover anything. Trickle down doesn't work. Fox is not now nor has ever been news. Ronald Reagan wasn't a bad guy, he just kept bad company.
Lots of people want the title, but few want the responsibility. Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh are the same jerk. Climate change is real. All people should have final say over their bodies, not governments or preachers. Capitalism sucks, but it's better than the alternatives we've come up with.
I could go on. I should go on. But space is short and you've got your own voyage to contemplate. I hope yours is as confusing, as challenging and as full of wonder as mine has been.