No Means No

I don't know about you, but I'm very ready for this month to end.  Septembers have been rough on me these last few years.

Again, I've been hit with a summer cold to end the summer and a stiff back to remind me I'm not twenty something anymore. Or forty-something either.

Add to my routine of kleenex, cough drops and heating pads, this week Tater has been needling me endlessly about the last column.  You know, the one where I said Kavanaugh "probably" did it.

"You've really disappointed me SJ, I thought you were woke."

"I am awake, can't you see my eyes are open?"

"You may think you are, but I'm seeing a guy with his head up his butt...probably."

For Tater, there is no probably to it.  In her mind, Kavanaugh went from "did it" to "without a doubt did it" the minute a second accuser stepped forward.

Honestly, the stories that have surfaced about the proposed Justice's extra-curricular activities have pushed me from thinking probably to most likely.

The thing that I really can't get my head around is how many women in our society have had a similar experience.  The reason I can't is because I have a daughter in her late 20s.

Has she, too, been in a situation that escalated from innocent fun to a physical assault? Has she been humiliated by a drunken classmate or co-worker she then had to face daily as if nothing happened?

Has she had to ask herself, is it worth it to expose this creep?

Based on stories I've heard from many women I know, I have to assume she probably has.  The sad truth is many, if not most, women in America has had to bear an aggressive and unwanted come-on that got out of hand.

As a guy who understands the meaning of the word "no", I have a hard time beieving so many other men don't. If most women in our country have been sexually assaulted, does that mean most men in our country are sexual predators?

I don't think so.  But clearly it's not that big a deal to many Americans, male and female, because the man who cracked up the United Nations General Assembly this week openly bragged about sexual assault and look where that got him.

Mr. Grab 'em by the crotch is busy making America Great Again by stacking courts with other guys who believe a womans place is on her back. And they're going to make sure she stays there to give birth to the offspring of the offender.

The week that sees Bill Cosby, the guy who was "America's Dad" back in the 80s, be sentenced to prison for rape is a week all my fellow males should be doing some soul searching. Cosby is, we now know, the most dangerous kind of sexual predator: a hypocritical poser who wrapped himself in self-righteousness then collected roofies in the shadows for his "dates".

It's not that different from pouring large quantities of alcohol down a woman's throat.  The last thing we need on the Supreme Court is a guy who thinks the inability to say no is the equivalent of a yes.