Meat suggested I submit this week's column in all caps. People would pay more attention.
I had a similar idea, only different. Being more of an e e cummings kind of typist, maybe I could trick the editor into no caps at all.
But let's be honest, I'm one of those elitist college graduates who believe in the rules of grammar and style. I could no more flaunt the norms of the printed word than I could pass up a chance to name drop an early 20th century American poet to impress my fellow elites.
It's hard to get excited about just another tweet from the Twit in Chief. You'll note, though, that capitalizing his title in that sentence makes it more distinctive than if there were no caps at all. You see, I'm showing some respect.
ll caps would just have been overkill, which is rude and unseemly. Shouldn't we maintain a bit of decorum in our public dialogue?
I bet the Donald was wearing a cap when he made that tweet. Tater said she wished his dad wore a cap, too. I'm not sure what she meant by that.
Really, just because he goes all caps on a threat to Iran is no reason to get crazy when compared to all his other careless crowing. He's only whistling to the choir, anyway.
Thank goodness we all now know the Russians are behind the Democrats in the mid-term elections. If you're not keeping score-- Russians backing Republicans: good, Russians backing Democrats: bad.
The last few weeks have a lot of people trying to stay afloat on the Rio D'Nial. You might not believe this, but some Republicans really are free-trade. Tarriffs haven't been in their lexicon for nearly 40 years.
Now not only are they being asked to accept tarriffs on trading partners, they also have to accept a 12 billion dollar welfare check to save farmers from lost sales due to the tarriffs. And by farmers, I of course mean ADM and Monsanto.
Tarriffs and welfare checks? This ain't your daddy's Republican party. Just whose it is is without argument. This is the Donald's party. One that has no principals outside the principal of getting elected.
A party of no principals is the perfect mirror for the Donald. The exact reflection of a guy with no reflective qualities at all.
For some, the float is easy. Facts usually don't get in the way of these fine folk. They blame his problems on the haters. Haters are people like me who are against anything the Fraud wants to do because we hate him so much. They've even given it a name, Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The people who came up with that will stare at you blankly when you reply "Hillary Clinton."
It gets easier if you just follow the encouragement of the self-appointed favorite president who should not be confused with the one we don't like or the one we could care less about. The encouragement, of course, is ignore what you see and hear.
Unless it's on his Twitter feed. Everything else is fake news.
Should that be caps too?