Just Ask Him

I know what to do and you idiots don't.  So shut up and watch me on on Facebook Live.

Governor Granite has a way with words.  He's been rehearsing in front of the mirror for a long time and he's a lock for one of those Friend's position on the Faux News Network.

Things go better with Koch, right governor?

The boy from New Hampshire vetoed the budget and revenue bills on Monday saying  those Kentuckians in the legislature were obviously products of public education and just didn't understand finances like he did.

If he was an actual Kentuckian, he'd have followed all of his insults with "bless their hearts".  But he isn't and he didn't.

He claimed it was because the numbers didn't add up.  The truth is they didn't do enough damage to public education and educators in Kentucky. That's his goal.

Which is the reason he signed the pension bill on Tuesday.  That bill sticks it to public education and employees for years to come.  That's the kind of thing people like our governor dream of doing.

Don't get me wrong, the revenue and budget bills are terrible. They're the kind of twisted logic messes only Republicans could love.  The revenue bill lowers taxes on those who can afford to pay higher taxes and raises taxes on the rest of us who can't. And it doesn't pay for the budget.

Democrats in both the house and senate applauded the governor for vetoing the bills.  In a normal world, that makes sense.

But  I'm wondering if they think the same majority who pushed them through can produce new ones they'd like more if the vetoes aren't over-ridden?  Is there a bigger picture?

A simple majority vote in each chamber will override the vetoes, but there's no guarantee.  Neither bill passed by large margins, so it is possible the vetoes could stay. The governor is gambling that he can turn a few of the yes votes to no votes.

In that case, there is no time for the legislature to enact new bills.  It means Kentucky government partially shuts down on July 1 if the governor doesn't call a special session.

Calling a special session costs a lot of money and Governor Granite doesn't seem to think much of the legislature's work, even if his party controls both chambers.  He's the only real fiscal conservative, just ask him.

The guys our governor is actually working for love government shut downs.  They want to see a permanent one.  What do you want to bet Governor Granite wouldn't love a state government shutdown, too?

Will it get him re-elected?  Not in a million years, of course. The numbers show he was elected by 13-15% of the eligible voters in our Commonwealth.  If he actually makes it out of the primaries, even Kentucky Democrats could find a candidate that will beat him at this point.

No, Governor Granite is not working for re-election. He'll go through the motions, but his sights are set far beyond Frankfort.

He's better looking than Sean Hannity and smarter than Tucker Carlson.  Just ask him.