Twit or Tweet

Wonder which is worse?  Being fired by tweet or a twit?

That'd be the first question I'd like to ask Rex Tillerson.  The second one is just how much Russian oil money isn't enough to get you to sell out your country.

Calling out Putin after oil deals with him have paid for a couple of your mansions is commendable.  Almost as impressive as calling your boss a moron.  It's just too bad he didn't understand you.

I guess getting that money feels a little heavier when some of your fellow benefactors are dropping dead from Putin's special cocktails.  Being a Russian expatriate is highly lethal these days. Funny how pointing that out cost Tillerson his job.

The tweeting twit announced that Rex was a good American, they just didn't see eye to eye on everything.  Rex said he couldn't see eye to eye with the Donald on anything because Putin's nose was always in the way.

Let me be the first to point out the illegal aliens we need to be worried about are the Russian ones and a wall will stop exactly none of them.  There's a TV show all about it.

One last thing I'll say related to that first question.  Next Halloween my costume is going to be twit or tweet.  Give it a minute.

No faster than you could say Stormy Daniels, the great Cheetoh announced he'd be meeting face to face with Kim Jong Un, the North Korean Dictator, as soon as Special Envoy Dennis Rodman works out the details.

As a former Celebrity Apprentice washout, Rodman is perfectly suited for the assignment.  He's been pre-fired.   Fans of the show will hold their breath to see if the Worm will manage to get Melania's name spelled correctly this time.

At this time, dear reader, I'd like to call your attention to the hard work and dedication of the Paddling Upstream team illustrated in the previous paragraph.  One of our crew just spent literally minutes researching Dennis Rodman and Celebrity Apprentice.

Who would do that?  Only dedicated servants of truth, justice and the American Way my friend.  We do, that's who.

Unfortunately, that particular intern will be out for a while recovering from the effects of Rodman Reality. Statements beyond this paragraph may not be  backed by research.

Which is too bad, because the dropouts in Frankfort are quickly being reminded teachers know best. About a thousand of them showed up at the capital Monday afternoon to drop some remedial math on the state senate.

Cutting pensions means losing votes and November is around the corner.

Governor Granite and his assortment of clowns who can't count are getting a lesson in basic pensions maintenance.  When the worker pays into the pension and the employer doesn't, it isn't the worker who pays for the difference.

Some will fall for the double speak of Frankfort Republicans.  Most of them went to charter schools and believe Trump walks on water.

Thanks to the educators, most won't fall for it.

Democracy works best with informed voters.  An educated population asks questions.  The key questions, the questions that get to the heart of the matter. Like the one we started with.

Twit or tweet?