A new year is just ahead of us. That should bring a smile to your face.
Meat and Tater got back late last night. I left the laser snow spectacle pointed at their house to welcome them home. They were at my door bright and early this morning.
Tater was more animated than usual. "Happy New Year SJ! 2018 is going to be a great year!"
"Thanks Tater, back at ya. I hope you're right!"
"Of course she's right, she's always right!" Meat was smiling and winked at me.
"Now don't be making fun of my optimism, Meat. The glass is going to be full next year!"
"Oh honey, I'm with you! I was just reminding Mr. Gloom and Doom here."
I reminded Meat that Mr. Gloom and Doom wouldn't have festooned his neighbor's house with laser holiday cheer. And Instagrammed it for the world to see, either.
Truth be told, I'm feeling pretty optimistic about the new year.
We've learned a lot in the last 12 months. Most of what we've learned isn't good. But I won't complain. It's pointless to whine about a year sucking when that was what you expected going in.
But now that we really know, we can act. Opportunity is knocking as loudly as it has in decades for the American people to choose We the People over Us the Corporation.
I'll always vote houses and schools over palaces and prisons.
Opportunity is knocking at home. There is no underestimating the transformative power to of a high tech industry. If construction begins on EnerBlu's manufacturing facility this year, Pike county will be at the dawn of a new era.
High wage jobs in a concentrated area spread. Small businesses sprout to support the larger enterprises. One feeds off the other.
The irony is while most of our neighbors voted for a guy promising to return us to coal's glory days, many of us will soon be working in an industry that is really the future. Take a real look at what EnerBlu makes.
In ten years, when every house in Pike county has EnerBlu solar panels on the roof, will it really matter how much AEP is trying to charge for electricity?
Pikeville, with a University and regional medical center, could become an even greater economic force in the state and region than it ever was. One that will pull the county and surrounding counties right along with it.
So I'm optimistic. It won't all happen in one year, but it starts in this one. I can't wait to see what comes with it.
In closing, I'll leave you with these words from memory:
I predict some good things will happen. Bad things will happen, too. The world will spin daily even though there will be some who deny it.
Good people will do stupid things and stupid people will do miraculous things. There will be miracles and there will be disasters. Sometimes in one place.
I predict in 2018 there will be a lot of change. Except nothing will change. If you can't change your mind are you sure you still have one?
How would I know? Happy New Year!