The holidays snuck right up on me this year. I was kind of hoping they'd sneak on by and leave me alone.
No such luck, of course.
Here it is 4 days before Christmas and I'm still thinking about putting up the holiday lazer light show I bought for $39 last January. If I do, I'm pointing it at Meat's house.
At least I've got the lit-up aluminum tree in the front window. Meat and Tater's house is colorless as a mine. A bare bulb porch light is as festive as it gets this year.
They've gone to visit Taters family in Vermont, so I'll be able to get by with it. I'll instagram them a picture Christmas morning.
It's the least I can do. Really.
Watching what is happening in DC the last couple weeks has put a damper on my holiday spirit. It's a very sad day in the U.S. when our Executive and Legislative branches give themselves and their billionaire overlords such blatant payoffs and call it tax reform.
Who cares about national debt when you get paid, right Senator?
They get, you pay. Merry Christmas, one and all, enjoy what you elected. It's sadder when so many of my neighbors still believe that trickle is rain.
Since there are 3 or 4 days left to shop, I'm gladly slow rolling the holiday. I've managed to pick up one present on my list, but that's about it.
Cleaning closets has been more on my mind this week. I could easily lose 80% of what's in my closets without missing a thing. If I don't wear it, why do I need it?
Yesterday I dug out 2 winter coats, 4 jackets, a raincoat and two down vests in good condition that I hadn't worn in years. I took them down to the Community Closet across from the Post Office.
I plan on delivering a few bags of pants, shirts and sweaters I never wear before Christmas, too.
The loved ones on my presents list have the things they need. I have the things I need, too. In the season of giving, it seems more right to remember the people who don't have what they need.
I sure don't claim to be a Christian. I'm probably more of a Buddhist in the christian tradition if you want to categorize. But my upbringing tells me it's the right thing to do, far righter than things people with Christian air-brushed on the hood of their Cadillacs are selling these days.
Not that cleaning out your closet is such a big deal. It isn't. As a matter of fact, it's about the least you could do to make sure a person without has clothes on their back.
There's a saying at my favorite little community radio station. It's "give until it feels good."
My Christmas wish for each and every one of you, no matter your faith, is that you find a way to give until it feels good
You've still got a couple days left. Go ahead and clean out a closet. And have a wonderful and joyous holiday!