Roll Tide?

Alabama experienced a sea change this week.  Please repeat after me...Roll Tide!

Decency edged out sleaze in a special election to fill Beauregard Session's empty senate seat.  A seat held by Republicans for over 3 decades.

In a shock to everyone,  the former federal prosecutor beat the guy who dated high school girls.  Just barely.

Why would he date high school girls? Besides the fact he can get older and they stay the same age, you mean?

Because that was what God wanted him to do.

The 'what God wanted' campaign is hard to beat in the south.  Roy Moore is certainly one of the holiest of the whole holier than thou contingent.  His righteousness is so right he has no left.  His sanctimony goes to 11.

Alabama is full of folk who know what they believe and you better believe it, too, mister.  That's Roy Moore kind of people.  A place for everything and everything in its place.

In their world, women have a place.  Teenage girls have a special place.  Ask any sanctimonious sleazeball what it is.  The loser Roy Moore is available.

It's a great day in America when the country can look at Alabama and say "Way to go."

So now we know even a democrat can beat a suspected child molester.  Maybe there really is a change in the air.

There are a lot of sleazeballs on the run these days.  The Harvey Weinstein express has opened the floodgates against sexual harrasment in all forms.

What we're learning--outside the fact so many guys are just idiots--is that there's no politics, no creed, no race, no religion, nor any occupation that makes a creep.  Creeps are everywhere.

Thanks to Kevin Spacey, we also know it's not only women getting harrassed. But don't go all victimy there guys.  You all know it's women who bear the brunt of the abuse here.

I've known a lot of powerful women, but not one has suggested her male subordinates wear tighter fitting tops.

So far, at least 4 congressmen or senators in DC have announced plans to resign or retire due to sexual misconduct in the last month.  As the public learns more about secret slush funds to pay off sexual harrasment cases, expect many more red faced resignations to come.

In this case, the trickle down effect is real.  State houses are feeling the creep squeeze, too.  Ask the former Speaker of the Kentucky House of Representatives and a few more legislators.

They're currently floating on denial.

As the wave rolls and grows, there is a special creep waiting and watching.  Some might call him the Creep in Chief.  As the accusations mount, he watches many around him drowning in rising water.

His golden yacht is keeping him afloat, but his own words splash over and soak the deck.  Could he be taking on water, too?

When senators call on one of their own to resign, like democrats did with Al Franken, it's hard to question their moral position.  Who continued to endorse Roy Moore to the bitter end?

I believe in an equal society and sexual harrasment doesn't fit in it.   The wave is breaking now.  Roll tide.