Meat was in a much better mood than last when he burst through my front door this morning. "The worm is turning!" he exclaimed.
"Which worm is that?", I asked. It's always best not to assume when it comes to Meat. And worms.
"Flake!" Meat announced as he plopped onto the couch. "Did you hear that speech?"
I did. The Senator from Arizona sounded like an actual American in his address announcing he'd had enough of the Trump Train. It was inspiring for those of us worried about the state of our nation.
It had to be infuriating for those still clinging to the notion a spoiled narcissist from reality TV is the right guy for the Oval Office. It's generally the things we're most wrong about we can't let go of.
"Man he let Trump have it. I bet there'll be more stand up and do the same thing."
"We'll see. It doesn't do any good if he's replaced by somebody with the great Cheetoh's endorsement. Think a Democrat's gonna win a Senate seat in Arizona?"
I really was inspired by Flake's speech. But after talking about what is and isn't normal and bringing decency back to governing, he turned around and voted with the rest of his Republican buddies to protect banks and lending institutions from the regular people they rob daily.
It's great to see a couple of Republicans show a little humanity in their reactions to the Oval Office Fraud's non stop spoiled adolescent behavior. But how sincere is it when they always side with big business, the powerful and the wealthy.
When a high ranking Republican stands up to the president AND votes for actual consumer protections, then you'll have something real.
"It could happen." That's what Meat says when the wind gets sucked from his sails. I shouldn't have been so negative because it's good to see Meat so positive. Now I felt bad.
"So where's Tater this morniing?"
"She went to Berea to another save east Kentucky meeting. I can't figure out why they have so many save east Kentucky meetings in central Kentucky."
"Because there's a lot of organizations in Berea raising money on us hillbillies. Eastern Kentucky economics must be good business down there."
"No doubt. Seems like somebody would figure out the best way to help our economy would be to put all those 30-50,000 dollar a year jobs in Pikeville or Hazard or Prestonsburg or Whitesburg or some town that was actually in east Kentucky."
"You should text Tater and tell her to bring that up in the meeting."
Meat nodded his head and fired off a text. He got a response quickly. "She said good idea, she'll throw it out there."
We moved on, to how good it was to see 5 ex-presidents on the same stage raising money for disaster relief. We debated what joke from Dubya Bush's lips would have completely cracked Obama's cool exterior. How five very different men, could come together for the country.
All while the buffoon in DC tweets like an angry 8th grader. We'd been riffing on that for about ten minutes when Meat's phone dinged.
"It's Tater. She says she brought up our idea."
"They kicked her out."