Guns R Us

Everybody's looking for a reason. You can't find a reason for what happened in Las Vegas Sunday night. 

No rhyme nor reason for a guy to rain death and injury on 600 people.  He may not fit the image of a terrorist, but he was a terrorist none the less.

We are a country so paralysed by domestic terrorism we refuse to call it just what it is.  The players and instruments may be different, but the aim is the same:  to make us fear the society we live in.

To turn us into a country of tribes instead of a nation of people.  That is the goal of terrorists, whether they are religious, political, or simple domestic sociopaths.

Not all terrorists use weapons.  Some terrorists simply throw hyperbole and innuendo into the mix, with results that are ultimately as chilling as a blood stained courtyard. Our most dangerous terrorists broadcast daily on radio and television.

Which brings me to reasons I think this keeps happening.

Let's look at the National Rifle Association.  The NRA is nothing more than a funding mechanism for rich sociopaths and anarchists to buy federal legislators.

The NRA is a corporation dedicated to a political agenda.  That agenda is to elect Republicans.  If a Republican bucks the NRA, that Republican is put on the shelf and another is chosen.  Nearly every federal level Republican, and most state level, are bought and sold by the NRA.

Who funds the NRA? The Koch brothers. Dark money, gun companies, Russian oligarchs.  They'll take money from anybody, anybody who wants to influence elections in America.  There is simply no other corporation that has the power over legislators, governors, and other elected officals that the NRA has.

Why can people buy weopons of mass destruction?  Because the NRA wants them to, no matter what the vast majority of Americans want.  The NRA isn't about America, it is about an agenda to enrich gun companies and destabilize our society.

Only a sociopath would believe open carry in public is a good idea.  That we need guns in our schools, in our churches, in our public spaces, even in bars.  That's the NRA.

The cowards that hide behind that piece of paper, that legal document, do not want a civilized society.  A civilized society has a government that works and people who don't fear for their lives.

Who's going to buy weapons of war in that type of society?  Not too many.

We aren't going to ban guns.  The 2nd amendment is there to ensure Americans are able to hunt and to reasonably protect themselves.  It isn't there so crazy people can buy machine guns and shoot nearly 600 innocent Americans in one sitting.

When we decide to take the power from corporations and return it to individuals, we might be able to overcome the NRA and all the problems that decidedly UN-American corporation brings.

We do that by taking ALL corporations out of our political process. When we figure out corporations aren't people, we'll pay more attention to the real people affected by rogue corporations like the NRA.  Like the real people in Las Vegas.

Then maybe we'll elect people who are interested in solutions.