The Birther in Chief said there were good people among the group wearing swastikas and klan symbols last Friday and Saturday in Charlottesville. Then he said the evil counter-demonstrators were just as bad as the white supremacists.
David Duke, the former Imperial Wizard of the Klan, announced he was pleased with Trump's remarks.
Nothing more clearly illustrates the fraudster's beliefs and loyalties.
Not that we needed another picture. A rich white socialite doesn't perpetuate the birther hoax if he's not courting the racists who are butt hurt at having a black president.
Bigots always show their true colors. He knew how they felt because he felt the same way. Like father, like son.
The Trump family has a history with civil rights and it's not on the good side.
The tragic death of a counter-demonstrator at the hands of a nazi sympathizer would have been quickly condemned by 44 of the 45 presidents. But not for the not-president.
He's tried three times, probably more when you read this. Three whiffs so far...too bad it's not baseball.
There should never be a question of where an American stands on these issues. We stand for truth, we stand for justice, and we stand for the rights of all humans.
Americans fought and died to preserve the union and defeat slavery in the Civil War. Americans fought and died to defeat the nazis and fascism in World War II. These are long settled questions in our republic.
If you stand against these things, you stand against America.
I can't help but wonder how the World War II generation, now dwindling, would have dealt with a bunch of knotheads wearing swastikas. If the same bunch had shown up in Charlottesville twenty five years ago, a large contingent from the local VFW might have given them a lesson on how to properly carry a weapon.
Not at all if you're a Nazi.
Contrary to the propaganda, America has always been a multi-cultural society. There was no "European" culture so many of these nitwits refer to. There was a Spanish culture and a British culture and a French culture. They didn't "discover" just one culture, but many native cultures. There were many African cultures enslaved and brought to this continent. Many cultures followed from around the world to make this place home.
The greatness of America is due to it's multicultural identity, not it's European or African or native or any other alone. We're the melting pot, remember?
It really isn't that difficult.
Unless there's something in there that makes you believe the color of your skin is what makes you an American. Or makes you better than another American.
Or maybe you fell for the notion that Black Lives Matter or Antifa are equivalent hate groups to the Nazis and the KKK.
Then you might be tempted to wave that flag or wear that swastika. This is America, you have the right to speak your mind and show us just who you are.
But if you choose to do that, remember, it doesn't make you an American.
It makes you a loser. And the birther in chief is the biggest loser of all.